for using the Nextcloud marks
Product quality and brand perception
It is fundamentally important to us that any permitted use you make of the Nextcloud marks be of the highest quality and integrity and meet the highest standards. To ensure this is the case, we reserve the right to revoke your permission at any time and for any reason.
Fair use
We acknowledge and support your right to make “fair use” of the Nextcloud marks, and do not mean to suggest with these guidelines that our permission is required in such cases. We cannot, however, tell you categorically what will and will not qualify as a “fair use.”
- The Nextcloud blue is #0082c9 with white text/image
- The name “Nextcloud” can be optionally left out though, we provide logos without the text.
- Do NOT alter the logo in any way or overlap it with additional logos. If overlapped onto images, it should be the white version and have enough contrast with the background
- The typeface of the logo (or similar ones) should not be used anywhere else.
- Instead use Open Sans, in regular weight. Use bold sparingly and only for selected emphasis.
For copies of the Nextcloud logo itself,
please refer to the Press page.
When using our logo, please ensure that you give it room to breathe!
Overall rule would be to add a blank space of half the height of the logo on all sides.
Nextcloud blue
Main brand color
- HEX#0082c9
- RGB0, 130, 201
- CMYK90, 48, 0, 0
- Pantone285 C
Nextcloud gradient
Gradient main color ➜ light
- HEX#0082c9 ➜ #1cafff
- RGB0, 130, 201 ➜ 28, 175, 255
- CMYK90, 48, 0, 0 ➜ 89, 31, 0, 0
- Angle45deg
Used for backgrounds
- HEX#ffffff
- RGB255, 255, 255
- CMYK0, 0, 0, 0
Text color
Used for body text
- HEX#191717
- RGB25, 23, 23
- CMYK0, 1, 1, 90
Open Sans
For legibility, we:
- use a line-height between 130-150%
- use a default tracking of the font
- set line breaks so they work with the sentence structure
- emply bolding for emphasis instead of italics
- use sentence case, not Title Case or UPPERCASE
When referring to Nextcloud make sure that it is spelled correctly. Nextcloud is ONE word and must not be separated into two words. It has one capital, at the beginning, NextCloud is NOT a correct spelling.
correct spelling
wrong spelling
Contact information
Please contact us if you need assistance regarding these guidelines, e.g. for discussing your case or requesting permission, by using our contact form.