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Tetrisk's Lair


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Tetrisk's Lair was updated.
6 days ago
Ehh the new guestbook service "smartgb" I started using is now showing annoying ads. I guess I'll have to look for alternatives.
ninacti0n 2 months ago

Commentbox is the one I use, but I’ve also heard of another one on this artist’s page https://neocities.org/site/gildedware

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dabric 2 months ago

.@dimden (also creator of nekoweb) just released one: https://atabook.org/

1 like
tetrisk-lair 2 months ago

Nice nice! I'll look into these.

Eerie but cozy, I love it. Do you have a site button?
ninacti0n 2 months ago

Can agree, this site feels awesome!

1 like
Holy shit. I finally finished it. No more placeholders.
chipsfunfun 2 months ago

good job person I do not remember following I'm proud of you!!! /lighthearted

chipsfunfun 2 months ago

this site is so good tho old me was based 4 following

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dabric 2 months ago

this is so fucking cool

ninacti0n 2 months ago

HECK YEAHH- Can't wait to visit it

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corruworks 2 months ago

this rocks dude, awesome work

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I made a short horror game for a game jam heheh: https://tetrisk-1.itch.io/thats-not-a-star
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So instead of working on my website, I tried my hand at learning Godot these last few months and finished my first game! You can download it for free at https://tetrisk-1.itch.io/for-the-salt but I'll also work on getting the web version working soon. I feel like my next game might be a pinball machine or a horror game >:D
I feel like V2.0 is turning out kinda impractical and a little weird to navigate, but I'm having so much fun doing it this way haha. I'll be making an "accessible" page where it will have a more normal layout for people who just want to explore my stuff more easily and straightforward.
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ninacti0n 9 months ago

Tbh, it be like that xD I want my site to circle around a classic layout, but things will quickly go off rails once I start to make everything more interactive

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tetrisk-lair 9 months ago

Yeah, do it! Javascript just opens up really anything. I'm having a blast just sprinkling in easter eggs as a reward for exploration.

That Moebius program you linked is pretty sweet. Here's a little gift :D https://i.imgur.com/ParnyIf.png
owlroost 9 months ago

Woah, thank you! This is 100% going up on my fursona page- do you have a preferred link to credit you with?

tetrisk-lair 9 months ago

A link to my website would be nice. I'm glad you liked it!

1 like
I just started reading into what RSS is and it's pretty sweet! It lets you make your own personally curated feed for almost anything, be it websites, youtube channels, etc. No algorithmic intervention. I'll definitely set one up for my website after finishing it >:D

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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