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Satire HQ


688 updates
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less fackin goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Satire HQ was updated.
1 month ago
Woah I came back on neocities for the first time in months and didn't notice there was a few new followers on my list. Uh... hi lol. Yes my website is still being worked on
Satire HQ was updated.
6 months ago
1 like
Thank you kindly for following my website! :,D I greatly appreciate it! ^^
space-bar 6 months ago

No prob! Thanks for creating such a cool website!

Someone reminded me about how there's a weird number of people that hate mobile layouts and mobile accesibility for some reason, and that just makes me want to include that function as much as possible to piss off the haters lmao
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tysm for following me :,) <3
1 like
princessellu 7 months ago

np, any time!! thx for the help as well C:

1 like
Finally, a shitpost painting to end the year right 7u7 https://satirehq.neocities.org/(m)%20(2023)%20ATAC
I swear my website started off as a place where I would add any new art I wanted to, but now it's turned into a never ending pursuit of changing the layout (β•₯_β•₯)
1 like
Satire HQ was updated.
7 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedAug 13, 2022
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lowbrow lowbrowart satirehq art personal