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987 updates
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Today's my last day of school I'll be free soon
I'm looking forward to the hldm map if that's something you're still working on
yeagh 2 months ago

i read this as waffleheimer

wafflemeister 2 months ago

my lazy bitchass is procrastinating hard but it'll come out eventually, also lmao waffleheimer

concon.soy was updated.
2 months ago
Hey, Connor! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Ž I browsed your site a bit more and I love all your graphics and web links. I am wondering, if you like my idle game, Concoinster, would you consider adding it to your Browser Games section? I don't know if I would be able to squeeze a link back though, but I can try.
concoinster 2 months ago

Actually, I found a way to add a link back to you, if you accept.

1 like
connor7000 2 months ago

Sure thing!

1 like
concoinster 2 months ago

Yay! Thank you! What link should I use to link back to you? It will be in one of the green buttons.

1 like
concoinster 2 months ago

Done and done. 😎 Thank you too. I like the way you worded it. 😊 Take care.

1 like
I started playing no more heroes as per your recommendation and so far I like it. It's not everyday you see an M rated Wii game with both motion controls and graphic blood and swearing, but it's cool and I like it. I also liked how whenever I got a call in the game, the audio came from the wiimote so that was pretty neat.
yeagh 2 months ago

glad u could enjoy it!!

1 like
Thanks a lot for the follow, you've got a cool site!
Tee-hee! 😁 I like your smug attitude. 🀭 Definitely a Follow here. ✌️😎
I love my Wii U it was a very good decision to mod it because I've been having a blast playing super Mario Galaxy and other Wii games
yeagh 2 months ago

did u try nmh

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jackofall 2 months ago

Did the same with my 3DS a few weeks ago and I definitely agree, I'm having the time of my life on the DS port of Plants vs. Zombies

connor7000 2 months ago

PvZ for the DS defined my childhood you have good taste. I also modded my 3ds a a few years ago and its probably the best and easiest handheld to mod of all time, I still enjoy it from time to time

1 like
concon.soy was updated.
2 months ago
Along with modding my Wii U, I joined Pretendo, the Nintendo Network replacement for 3ds and Wii U. I installed it on both my 3ds and Wii U, so if you'd like to play with me or something my PNID is connor7000

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJul 25, 2023
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gaming blog humor nostalgia minecraft