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symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
The little -disk operad or little -cubes operad (to distinguish from the framed little n-disk operad) is the topological operad/(∞,1)-operad whose -ary operations are parameterized by rectilinear disjoint embeddings of -dimensional cubes into another -dimensional cube.
When regarded as a topological operad, the topology on the space of all such embedding is such that a continuous path is given by continuously moving the images of these little cubes in the big cube around.
Therefore the algebras over the operad are “-fold monoidal” objects. For instance k-tuply monoidal (n,r)-categories.
The limiting E-∞ operad is a resolution of the ordinary commutative monoid operad Comm. Its algebras are homotopy commutative monoid objects such as -rings.
An algebra over an operad over is an Ek-algebra.
Many models for -operads in the literature are not in fact cofibrant in the model structure on operads, but are -cofibrant. By the therem theorem atmodel structure on algebras over an operad, this is sufficient for their categories of algebras to present the correct -categories of E-∞ algebras.
\begin{definition} \label{DefinitionViaRectilinearEmbeddings}
Given a natural number , write
for the open cube of dimension (the -fold product topological space of the open interval with itself). We will say that a continuous map is a rectilinear embedding if, with respect to the canonical coordinate functions on , it is given by an affine function, hence by a formula of the form
for some real numbers and , with .
More generally, if is a finite set, call a map is a rectilinear embedding if it is an open embedding whose restriction to each connected component of is rectilinear in the above sense.
Let denote the collection of all rectitlinear embeddings from into . We will regard as a topological space, topologized as a subspace of the topological product space .
The spaces constitute the -ary operations of a topological operad, which we will denote by and refer to as the little k-cubes operad.
This is Definition in Higher Algebra.
We define a topological category as follows:
The objects of are the objects .
Given a pair of objects , a morphism from to in consists of the following data:
A morphism in .
For each a rectilinear embedding .
For every pair of objects , we regard as endowed with the topology induced by the presentation
Composition of morphisms in is defined in the obvious way. We let denote the nerve of the topological category .
Corollary T. implies that is an $\infty$-category. There is an evident forgetful functor from to the (discrete) category , which induces a functor .
This is Higher Algebra Definition
Let be an (∞,1)-sheaf (∞,1)-topos
and be a monoid object in . Say that is grouplike if the composite
(see 1.1.13 of Commutative Algebra)
is a groupoid object in .
Say an -algebra object is grouplike if it is grouplike as an -monoid. Say that an -algebra object in is grouplike if the restriction along is. Write
for the (∞,1)-category of grouplike -monoid objects.
The following result of (Lurie) makes precise for parameterized ∞-groupoids – for ∞-stacks – the general statement that -fold delooping provides a correspondence between n-categories that have trivial r-morphisms for and k-tuply monoidal n-categories.
Let , let be an ∞-stack (∞,1)-topos and let denote the full subcategory of the category of pointed objects, spanned by those pointed objects that are -connected (i.e. their first ∞-stack homotopy groups) vanish. Then there is a canonical equivalence of (∞,1)-categories
This is EKAlg, theorem 1.3.6..
Specifically for , this refines to the classical theorem by (May).
Let be a topological space equipped with an action of the little cubes operad and suppose that is grouplike. Then is homotopy equivalent to a -fold loop space for some pointed topological space .
This is EkAlg, theorem 1.3.16.
Proofs independent of higher order categories can be extracted from the literature. See this MO answer by Tyler Lawson for details.
A proof of the stabilization hypothesis for k-tuply monoidal n-categories is a byproduct of corollary 1.1.10 of (Lurie), stated as example 1.2.3.
It has been long conjectured that it should be true that when suitably defined, there is a tensor product of -operads such that
This is discussed and realized in section 1.2. of (Lurie). The tensor product is defined in appendix B.7.
The Fulton-MacPherson operad is weakly equivalent in the model structure on operads with respect to the classical model structure on topological spaces, to the little n-disk operad
(Salvatore 01, Prop. 4.9, summarized as Lambrechts-Volic 14, Prop. 5.6)
the little n-disk operad is formal
For an -operad in a category of chain complexes, its homology is the Poisson operad? .
See for instance (Costello) and see at Poisson n-algebra.
Explicit models of -operads include
A comprehensive reference for many known models is
Review includes
A standard textbook reference is chapter 4 of
The equivalence to the Fulton-MacPherson operad is due to
Proof that the little n-disk operad is formal was sketched by Maxim Kontsevich and spelled out in
John Francis’ work on -actions on -categories is in
This influenced the revised version of
and is extended to include a discussion of traces and centers in
David Ben-Zvi, John Francis, David Nadler, Integral transforms and Drinfeld Centers in Derived Geometry (arXiv)
(see also geometric ∞-function theory)
A detailed discussion of in the context of (∞,1)-operads is in
An elementary computation of the homology of the little -disk operad in terms of solar system calculus is in
For the relation to Poisson Operads see
Last revised on December 1, 2024 at 15:58:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.