Quick facts
- My preferred gender pronouns are he/him/his
- I am in the eastern timezone.
- My favorite emoji is 🦖 (tyrannosaurus rex).
- This website was built with Nuxt.js and is hosted on Vercel.
Other websites
- Blog: mylesbraithwaite.com
- Microblog: myles.social
- Commonplace book: myles.wiki
- Data science notebooks: notebooks.myles.engineer
- Monkey in your Soul - Monkey in your Soul is a full stack web development consulting firm I started in 2005.
- Rotten Bananas - Rotten Bananas is an awesome design collective Dan Tapper and I started in 2017.
- GitHub: github.com/myles
- Instagram: instagram.com/myles
- Mastodon: cosocial.ca/@myles
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mylesbraithwaite
- Facebook: instagram.com/myles