Papers by Irfan Ahmed Halepoto

International Journal of Computing and Network Technology, 2017
Concurrent Multipath Transfer using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CMT-SCTP) enables m... more Concurrent Multipath Transfer using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CMT-SCTP) enables multi-interface devices to send and receive data at the same time over more than one path. However, because of the fair Round robin scheduling, the paths with longer delay (low quality) causes the performance degradation due to gathered outstanding data at receiver. The outstanding data are the data packets sent by the sender for which it is waiting for an acknowledgment. In networks with dissimilar paths, the blockage in the buffer space at the receiver side is also one of the side effects of large outstanding data. This paper presents an evaluation study on the multipath transmission using the SCTP, particularly the techniques that deal with the outstanding data. A simulation scenario is proposed that contains multiple paths from the source to destination, where each path differs with the other path by the propagation delay. The results of evaluation show that the technique that uses the outstanding data in the packet scheduling decision (CMT-OUT) increase the data transmission over multiple paths when it is compared to the CMT-SCTP.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2018
The objective of this paper is to study theories behind behavior change and adaptation of behavio... more The objective of this paper is to study theories behind behavior change and adaptation of behavior. Humans often live according to habitual behavior. Changing an existing behavior or adopting a new (healthier) behavior is not an easy task. There are a number of things which are important when considering adapting physical activity behavior. A behavior is affected by various cognitive processes, for example involving beliefs, intentions, goals, impediments. A conceptual and computational model is discussed based on state of the art theories about behavior change. The model combines different theories: the social cognitive theory, and the theory of selfregulation. In addition, health behavior interventions are discussed that may be used in a coaching system. The paper consists of two parts: the first part describes a computational model of behavior change and the second part discusses the formalization of evidence-based techniques for behavior change and questions to measure the various states of mind in order to provide tailored and personalized support.

Worldwide, stored grain pests are massively infesting most stored crops and their by-products. Th... more Worldwide, stored grain pests are massively infesting most stored crops and their by-products. The main losses are due to infestation of these pests occurring on various carriers just prior to harvest, during storage or shipping. Methyl bromide and phosphine fumigation have been widely used for phytosanitary treatment of stored grains but are recognized as highly effective in depleting ozone, and similarly, residue-free grains are important for thermal disinfection. Solarization is one of the best ways to manage and disinfect crops, the traditional solarization methods are already practised by farmers but are inefficient to kill all stages of pests and require additional land exposed to the sun. In this work, thermal disinfection systems using solar heaters are proposed, designed, and developed to offset the actual lethal heat window. For the experiment work, the solar heater boxes were constructed in an octagon shape with 135 o at the base for trapping maximum heat inside the solar the heater box. The characteristics of the proposed system proved simpler, faster, and inexpensive but equally effective to achieve the desired results in terms of heat generation and seed moisture.

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2013
Incorporation of the renewable resources (RR) with regular grid has many challenges like location... more Incorporation of the renewable resources (RR) with regular grid has many challenges like location difference between the renewable energy source and energy distribution point, and characteristic constraints like variability in weather may reduce wind energy, and reduced rain may result in lower hydroelectric energy and so on. In this work, an efficient method is proposed to integrate the RR energy in to the regular power grid. By integrating the RR with conventional energy grid, the user consumption charges can be considerably reduced and, the exploitation of fossil fuels can be gradually reduced. The work also proposes an efficient mechanism to employ real-time tariff management by demand control center that collects the usage information in real-time scale. Experimental simulations are performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. For real-time simulations, fuzzy controller-and TCP/IP-based communication technologies are used. The results show that the proposed work exhibit a better performance against SCADA system, and it shows effective implementation of tariff and energy utility management. KEYWORDS energy control center (ECC) and MATLAB/SIMULINK, fuzzy logic controller (FLC), multi-agent (MA), TCP/IP 1 INTRODUCTION A key factor in building up a nation's economy and strength is its energy resource. Being a fast growing nation, India's thirst for electric power grows ever increasingly. But in contrary the produced current could not be effectively utilized due to lack of power transmission and distribution infrastructure, in India it is estimated that up to 21% of the energy produced is not being utilized due to this particular constraint. This necessitates the need to develop more efficient and intelligent mechanisms to connect the generating sources with the distribution points, further the efficient distribution of energy reduces the power cost factor and ensures more even functioning of the power system. 1,2 Technical advancements in the area of power management systems are growing at large in the recent years. Integration of modern technology in the area of power control, measurement and analysis together with the inclusion of IT and communication technologies had made the power management system to provide more reliable, stable and quality infrastructure. For the record the India's gross power production with respect to the installed capacity as on 30.4.2017 is about 3,29,205 MW out of which 2,20,570 MW is conventional energy and the rest 1,08,635 MW is from renewable energy sources, ie, around 33% is from renewable energy sources and 67% from conventional sources. This clearly indicates the need for research and development in the area of renewable resources. Further in order to capacitate the renewable energy sources with pertinent to restrictions imposed by the government acts, intelligent systems with integrated IT-based communication systems are incorporated to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions and provide a pollution free environment. 3 It is also an important consideration that the power distribution system has to manage certain challenges like demand and load surge, unanticipated load variation and variable load profiles. These challenges tend to cost the quality of the power by frequent voltage fluctuations and unexpected failures down the line of power transmission grid. These factors raise the complex level for the researchers to provide a reliable environment in power management system. One way of providing customers with efficient and reliable supply of power with reasonable tariff is through distributed generation. Whereas the implementation of smart grid invites a special challenge of managing the flow of energy and information together through the transfer medium as

Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences, 2024
Food security is one of the major concerns of humankind in the present era and a lot of work has ... more Food security is one of the major concerns of humankind in the present era and a lot of work has been done to ensure the availability of food to the growing population. Post-harvest technology is one of the key components to store the seeds for long duration for consumption as food or grow as seed. The disinfection of seeds during storage from insect pests is one of the major problems that need to be addressed. In this study, an efficient solar box is designed which is operated through renewable solar energy. For this purpose, the solar heater box was prepared of an acrylic sheet (2mm thickness), Lasani sheet (2mm thickness) and hardboard sheet (12mm thickness) which were an octagon in shape with 135 o at the base. A 12v linear actuator was installed in the solar box along with hardwood log (saw tooth-like comb) to equally distribute the heat in the seed place for experiment. The highest thermal performance was generated by an acrylic solar heater box 87.40 ℃ compared to hardboard and Lasani box. However, the material used for assembling acrylic boxes was too costly. A hardboard box was too heavy and the temperature was generated 69.69℃ which was relatively significant to the temperature recorded in Lasani solar heater box (70.19) at after 6 hour of an observation. Concerning the financial aspect, the price of each of the three solar heater boxes was estimated based on the cost of the materials used to construct the boxes and the additional labour costs, with the assistance of carpenters during assembly. These costs show how much cheaper the Lasani box is compared to the other prototypes. The results of experiments showed that the most effective solar box was made with Lasani sheet which retained heat up to 70.19℃ after 6 hours. The temperature at a depth of 6 cm was noted 67.42℃ among Chickpea seeds, whereas the temperature recorded within seeds was 69.61℃. Furthermore, the experiment conducted in RCBD revealed that germination percentage of seeds at a depth of 6cm was observed to be 97% after treatment. The overall conclusion of the study is that the solar box with linear actuator is more efficient as compared to traditional drying method.

Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
Brain tumors are spreading very fast across the world. It is one of the aggressive diseases which... more Brain tumors are spreading very fast across the world. It is one of the aggressive diseases which eventually lead to death if not being detected timely and appropriately. The difficult task for neurologists and radiologists is detecting brain tumor at early stages. However, manually detecting brain tumor from magnetic resonance imaging images is challenging, and susceptible to errors as experienced physician is required for this. To resolve both the concerns, an automated brain tumor detection system is developed for early diagnosis of the disease. In this paper, the diagnosis via MRI images are being done along with classification in terms of its type. The proposed system can specifically classify four brain tumor condition classification like meningioma tumor, pituitary tumor, glioma tumor and no tumor. The convolutional neural network method is used for classification and diagnosis of tumors which has accuracy of about 93.60%. This study is done on a KAGGLE dataset which comprise...

Sindh University Research Journal, 2016
Electricity consumers in Pakistan are facing long duration power outages and high energy prices. ... more Electricity consumers in Pakistan are facing long duration power outages and high energy prices. Due to increasing demand and supply gap, energy conservation policies are required to be initiated. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) have emerged as replacement of conventional incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps. Compared to conventional illumination sources CFLs have less power consumption and longer life; therefore replacement of conventional illuminators with CFLs is economically justified. Power quality degradation caused by nonlinear loads badly affects power system efficiency. Operating life of consumer appliances and power system components is also affected by poor power quality. CFLs being nonlinear loads will inject harmonics in power system. In this research work, harmonic distortion and power factor of different CFLs is performed. Fluke 43B Power Quality Analyzer is used to measure Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for current and voltage of five different brands of CFLs u...

To find out the chromosomal regions, that contribute to variability in alkaline phosphatase (AKP)... more To find out the chromosomal regions, that contribute to variability in alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and Superoxide dismutases (SOD) enzyme, a Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses was conducted in common carp. In all tissues, there are some enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of inorganic or organic phosphate esters with a broad specificity for ligand, including pyrophosphate. Importantly the status of these enzymes is to be said as disease indicator. Therefore, identifying chromosomal region related with these important enzymes are essential for genetic breeding of such important aquaculture species. A F1 family of common carp consisted on 92 individuals was utilized for QTL analysis. In present investigation a total of ten QTLs were identified, five for each, on eight linkage groups (LGs) i.e LG1, LG2, LG3, LG4, LG7, LG18, LG21 and LG22. LG1 and LG21 were found with the QTLs related with both enzymes, AKP and SOD. Three significant (P< 0.05) QTLs (AKP-1, AKP-4 and AKP-22) were found related with AKP. While only two significant (P< 0.05) QTLs (SOD-7 and SOD-21) were found associated with SOD. A maximum LOD 5.02 was found for SOD-3 and minimum 3.0 for SOD-7. Maximum and minimum phenotype variance was found 37.1% and 18.7% respectively. These findings would lead to produce strain of common carp with strong immunity and will contribute to highest aquaculture production.

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2018
Time critical applications, such as VoIP and video conferencing require Internet connectivity all... more Time critical applications, such as VoIP and video conferencing require Internet connectivity all of the time for better performance. Moreover, in case of vehicular networks, it is very common for mobile devices to move from one network to another. In such scenarios the sudden changes in the network connectivity may cause problems, which affects the data transmission rate. The movement of a mobile node from one network to another is also a challenge for the routers to maintain the routing information as well as to forward the data to the corresponding node. In all of the aforementioned scenarios, the switching between the networks with minimum latency improves the performance, i.e. in terms of mobility and availability of the network. The Mobile IP protocol serves the purpose of seamless handover of mobile devices from one network to another. A mobile node maintains its permanent IP address using the Mobile IP protocol while moving to a foreign network. When a mobile node establishes the connection with the foreign network the data packets transmitted from the home network are redirected to the foreign network. The Mobile IP protocol establishes a tunnel between the home network and the foreign network. The process of tunneling continues until the mobile node moves back to the home network or when the foreign network advertises the new IP address of the mobile node. With the increasing number of wireless devices the mobility is the key challenge. The devices with multiple interfaces such as mobile phone which uses 4G as well as WiFi, the urge for the availability of the Internet is also high. This paper provides a deep discussion about the Mobile IP protocol and its implementation. A network scenario is proposed with the configuration of the Mobile IP. According to the obtained results of the simulations, the Mobile IP protocol increases the availability of the network connection as well as it achieves the larger throughput when compared with the scenario without using the Mobile IP.

Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023
Brain tumors are spreading very fast across the world. It is one of the aggressive diseases which... more Brain tumors are spreading very fast across the world. It is one of the aggressive diseases which eventually lead to death if not being detected timely and appropriately. The difficult task for neurologists and radiologists is detecting brain tumor at early stages. However, manually detecting brain tumor from magnetic resonance imaging images is challenging, and susceptible to errors as experienced physician is required for this. To resolve both the concerns, an automated brain tumor detection system is developed for early diagnosis of the disease. In this paper, the diagnosis via MRI images are being done along with classification in terms of its type. The proposed system can specifically classify four brain tumor condition classification like meningioma tumor, pituitary tumor, glioma tumor and no tumor. The convolutional neural network method is used for classification and diagnosis of tumors which has accuracy of about 93.60%. This study is done on a KAGGLE dataset which comprises of 3274 Brain MRI scans. This model can be applied for real time brain tumor detection.

Journal of Applied Engineering & Technology, 2022
Vehicle Vibration is a major issue in automobile industry which hinders the stability of the vehi... more Vehicle Vibration is a major issue in automobile industry which hinders the stability of the vehicle and also adds to the discomfort levels of the passengers. The proposed work models a suspension prediction system using a combination of both Neural Network and Grey Neural Network for more efficient predictions. The research was divided into three stages. First stage is to develop a hardware to acquire the vibrational acceleration data of the test vehicle at different suspension types and road types. The data acquired was then used to train the designed neural model which was the stage two of the project. The final stage consisted of testing the
prediction model by acquiring dynamic data with unknown parameters including the road type and the suspension tune settings. The research is effectively efficient to predict suspension tune settings for a vehicle traveling on dynamic road conditions with very little mean absolute
percentage error. The training, learning, and the testing of the prediction model was done on a real-time system. The real-time vibration prediction model allows easy suspension tunings and improved drive experience for both the driver and the passenger. The incorporation of machine
learning allows the reduction of MAPE thus, producing highly efficient results.

IEEEP, 2014
The increasing demand for electric power is leading to complex interconnected power systems. As a... more The increasing demand for electric power is leading to complex interconnected power systems. As a result, generation units are being operated under stressed conditions with smaller stability margins.
The power supplied by the generator involves active and reactive components and good control of active and reactive power is essential in order to maintain a satisfactory steady state as these components can disturb the parameters of the power system. To regulate the reactive power and voltage magnitude of generation unit, AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) system is used in the forward path of the closed loop system of the generator. The addition of a conventional Proportional Integral and
Derivative (PID) controller in the forward path of the AVR system can improve the dynamic response significantly but this may be at the cost of additional noise (introduced by the derivative component) which may reduce the overall effectiveness of the controller and this is a matter of
concern in practice. This paper primarily focuses on the issue of noise
vulnerability of PID controlled AVR systems. An alternative and more effective fuzzy logic controlled approach is proposed to tackle these issues encountered with conventional controllers. The proposed solution uses a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to control the magnitude and rate of change of error, while the two nonlinear fuzzy membership functions are used to mitigate the noise effects. Simulations models of the PID controlled AVR system and proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR systems
are developed and results are compared to demonstrate the potential of the proposed design. Simulation results confirm the superiority of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR system under noisy conditions

NADIA, 2016
Objectives: This research work involves the design and implementation of Hexapod robot which is a... more Objectives: This research work involves the design and implementation of Hexapod robot which is a small, inexpensive, six-legged robot. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Hexapod robots from decennium have gained considerable attention in various research and development sectors. This research work involves the design and implementation of Hexapod robot which is a small, inexpensive, six-legged robot intended to replace huge and heavy robotic that are used in space applications, industries for lifting purpose containing solenoids and servo motors. Findings: Initial stage of research work involves design and construction of the structure of Hexapod. Plastic material is used for the construction of body and a Nitinol actuator wire is used to drive the Hexapod’s legs. The final stage involves Hexapod interfacing with Arduino and H-Bridge module for supply to achieve proper locomotion of the Hexapod. Specifically, real element like mechanical structure, legs arrangement, impelling, payload, movement condition and waking walk are considered in proposed system design. In this work, a novel robot is constructed and found that conservative, and lightweight Hexapod robot demonstrates
guarantee for use in space, therapeutic, and other large scale robotic applications. Application/Improvements: Due to the unique actuating mechanism of nitinol wire the proposed and developed model has the impact significance in many application fields.

e-ISSN: 0974-5645, 2016
Objectives: For the efficient and reliable operation, substation IEDs status must be monitored co... more Objectives: For the efficient and reliable operation, substation IEDs status must be monitored consistently and event information must be disseminated timely between substation levels. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Traditional power grid substations are facing infrastructural, operational, automation, systematic, monitoring and control issues. The smart grid concept and advancement in instrumentation and automation has open up the potential of substation automation system through which substation automation, intelligence and control is achieved, but devices interfacing, interoperability, time critical information exchange, substation devices status monitoring and data dissemination type issues are still in research phase. Findings: In this research work, substation bay level IEDs time critical data information dissemination model is designed by IEC 61850 standard using publisher subscriber communication. Based on IEC 61850 substation devices data object and interfacing models, a novel substation communication service mapping is proposed for the time critical data information dissemination. The proposed communication service mapping is based on abstract service communication interface technique by which an object oriented data and object models and communication service is directly mapped at Ethernet data link layer. Application/Improvements: To disseminate the data message using the proposed communication service an IEEE 802 based Ethernet frame structure is designed and configured using abstract syntax notation one technique.

NADIA, 2021
With the ever-growing urbanization and commercialization, the country like Pakistan is facing gig... more With the ever-growing urbanization and commercialization, the country like Pakistan is facing gigantic energy crises specially in form electricity shortage and large load scheduling which results in large power outages. These outages affect the efficiency of the loads and appliances which ultimatively damage the loads or appliances when the outages are frequent. The Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is one of the potential solutions to resolve this issue. It effectively provides the continuous supply of electricity to the load by switching from one source to another. The aim of this research is to design and create a prototype model of ATS which would allow the supply of electricity to the load without any disruptions. The supply is switched by ATS from direct supply to the power generated using different sources such as generator or batteries (Solar-charged or Standby). This switching is achieved through the interfacing and different components like electromagnetic contactors, relays, microcontrollers, voltage sensing circuits etc. The proposed ATS system provides a safe and efficient method of switching supply from the power lines to a generator directly without the use of a separate medium. In switching made, the load is isolated from the power lines which keeps it secure from fluctuations and power surge. The proposed technique allows the load to be kept under workable operating conditions at all means which in return becomes an economical factor. The applications of ATS are more effective in commercial application (i.e., industries, production lines, businesses and shops) as these industries rely upon the rate of production and there is no margin for a delay and they are equipped with more sensitive equipment as compare to domestic applications.

NADIA, 2021
The Economic Load Dispatching Problem (ELDP) in power system's operational planning is of an imme... more The Economic Load Dispatching Problem (ELDP) in power system's operational planning is of an immense importance. The power generation must fulfillment parity and disparity constraints. In order to satisfy the economical operation of the power system, the generated power must meet the load demand with minimum losses because the cost of storing the generated electrical energy is very high. The input-output characteristic curves of the modern thermal generating units are equipped with turbines having multi-valves steam input have non-convexity nature, this results in ELDP. Though this problem is discussed significantly but mostly analyzed using different mathematical approaches by utilizing the Quadratic Cost Curves (QCC) but the fact remains that the actual ELDP is non-convex whereas the QCC is convex. The multi-valve steam input based thermal power plants produce ripple like heat rates, which cannot be properly signified using convex approach thus can result in high cost. In this work, ELDP is modeled using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA)and convex and the non-convex economic dispatch problem has been investigated for Thermal Power Station (TPS) Jamshoro as a case study. The SYRAP (System Reservoir and Plants) software is used for economic operational loading of WAPDA power plants based on the incremental cost curves. The obtained results of TPS are validated with 6-machine IEEE standard test system with the simulation model for both nonconvex and convex economic dispatch. The obtained results confirm the minimum power generation cost by non-convex method as compared to convex approach.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016
Objectives: From an industry specific perspective, there is continuous pressure on manufacturing ... more Objectives: From an industry specific perspective, there is continuous pressure on manufacturing companies to reduce the operating expenditure by reducing the electricity cost by developing the energy efficient equipment and products especially conveyor systems. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Conveyor belts are the material handling equipment that is widely used in industry to move the material from the one place to another or from one process to next process. Conveyors are generally driven with electric motors. Conveyor systems are the one of the major consumers of electricity industries, which consumes up to 40% electricity of the total operating cost, while the remaining 60% is due to operational costs and maintenance. Findings: In this work, efficiency of a conveyor system is evaluated by integrating all the factors that have an influence on the electricity costs of the conveyor system. Using variable speed drive mechanism, an energy efficient conveyor system is developed by physically modeling the speed of the belt and conveyor loading dynamics mechanism under no load, marginally loaded and full loaded conditions. For the energy efficient conveyor system, different start-up of conveyor methods are evaluated as a baseline reason of generating the motor torque in comparison to rated voltage as an optimal energy management tool to develop a relationship across the power consumption, conveyor belt speed and belt loading dynamics. Application/Improvements: The design of energy efficient conveyor system model by controlling multiple drive units in industrial units.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016
Increasing wind power generation affects performance of existing power system in terms of power l... more Increasing wind power generation affects performance of existing power system in terms of power losses, voltage regulation and short circuit levels. Jhimpir wind generation having 49.5 MW capacity is connected to 132kV network of Hyderabd Electric Supply Company (HESCO) to meet its energy demand. Distribution network of HESCO is modelled and simulated using Power system Simulator-Siemens Network Calculator (PSS SINCAL) as simulation platform. Simulation results are compared to observe impacts of wind integration to existing power system network. Simulation results indicate reduction of power losses from 15.26 to 14.79MW as a result of wind integration to existing HESCO network. Reduction in power losses is mainly caused by changed current flows in lines. Reduction in current also reduce line drops resulting in improved bus voltages. Short circuit level is slightly increased for all buses due to network modification. Increase in short circuit level is highest near the wind generation as Zorlu grid shows 13.02% increase. 66kV network shows small increase in short circuit level due to its long distance from wind generation facility. Use of real network data for this research work identifies possible protection issues alongwith the reduction in power losses and voltage drop. Each system network has separate network parameters and will have different response to any network change. Hence a simulation analysis is important to ensure maximum benefits from renewable energy sources and their integration with existing power system network

2014 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems (VITAE), 2014
Distributed generation (DG) technology is spreading rapidly owing to advantages of clean environm... more Distributed generation (DG) technology is spreading rapidly owing to advantages of clean environment, loss reduction and voltage improvement. Utilities in Pakistan are welcoming all generations to increase their supply capacity. Industries are installing DGs to meet their load requirements. In order to reduce energy bills, DGs are being used to supply spare power back to utility or even in off peak durations. DG interconnection changes electrical network characteristics of existing utility network. Protection problems may occur in the form of relay settings, islanding and increased short circuit currents. This paper investigates the effects of DG interconnection on short circuit currents. A feeder of SITE industrial area of Karachi is modeled and simulated for short circuit analysis. Analysis shows that DG interconnection to a radial feeder increases short circuit level at all nodes of the feeder.
Papers by Irfan Ahmed Halepoto
prediction model by acquiring dynamic data with unknown parameters including the road type and the suspension tune settings. The research is effectively efficient to predict suspension tune settings for a vehicle traveling on dynamic road conditions with very little mean absolute
percentage error. The training, learning, and the testing of the prediction model was done on a real-time system. The real-time vibration prediction model allows easy suspension tunings and improved drive experience for both the driver and the passenger. The incorporation of machine
learning allows the reduction of MAPE thus, producing highly efficient results.
The power supplied by the generator involves active and reactive components and good control of active and reactive power is essential in order to maintain a satisfactory steady state as these components can disturb the parameters of the power system. To regulate the reactive power and voltage magnitude of generation unit, AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) system is used in the forward path of the closed loop system of the generator. The addition of a conventional Proportional Integral and
Derivative (PID) controller in the forward path of the AVR system can improve the dynamic response significantly but this may be at the cost of additional noise (introduced by the derivative component) which may reduce the overall effectiveness of the controller and this is a matter of
concern in practice. This paper primarily focuses on the issue of noise
vulnerability of PID controlled AVR systems. An alternative and more effective fuzzy logic controlled approach is proposed to tackle these issues encountered with conventional controllers. The proposed solution uses a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to control the magnitude and rate of change of error, while the two nonlinear fuzzy membership functions are used to mitigate the noise effects. Simulations models of the PID controlled AVR system and proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR systems
are developed and results are compared to demonstrate the potential of the proposed design. Simulation results confirm the superiority of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR system under noisy conditions
guarantee for use in space, therapeutic, and other large scale robotic applications. Application/Improvements: Due to the unique actuating mechanism of nitinol wire the proposed and developed model has the impact significance in many application fields.
prediction model by acquiring dynamic data with unknown parameters including the road type and the suspension tune settings. The research is effectively efficient to predict suspension tune settings for a vehicle traveling on dynamic road conditions with very little mean absolute
percentage error. The training, learning, and the testing of the prediction model was done on a real-time system. The real-time vibration prediction model allows easy suspension tunings and improved drive experience for both the driver and the passenger. The incorporation of machine
learning allows the reduction of MAPE thus, producing highly efficient results.
The power supplied by the generator involves active and reactive components and good control of active and reactive power is essential in order to maintain a satisfactory steady state as these components can disturb the parameters of the power system. To regulate the reactive power and voltage magnitude of generation unit, AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) system is used in the forward path of the closed loop system of the generator. The addition of a conventional Proportional Integral and
Derivative (PID) controller in the forward path of the AVR system can improve the dynamic response significantly but this may be at the cost of additional noise (introduced by the derivative component) which may reduce the overall effectiveness of the controller and this is a matter of
concern in practice. This paper primarily focuses on the issue of noise
vulnerability of PID controlled AVR systems. An alternative and more effective fuzzy logic controlled approach is proposed to tackle these issues encountered with conventional controllers. The proposed solution uses a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to control the magnitude and rate of change of error, while the two nonlinear fuzzy membership functions are used to mitigate the noise effects. Simulations models of the PID controlled AVR system and proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR systems
are developed and results are compared to demonstrate the potential of the proposed design. Simulation results confirm the superiority of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled AVR system under noisy conditions
guarantee for use in space, therapeutic, and other large scale robotic applications. Application/Improvements: Due to the unique actuating mechanism of nitinol wire the proposed and developed model has the impact significance in many application fields.
For the reliable and efficient operation of power grid, substation elements like data acquisition &control, data measurement & status monitoring, and data information exchange &communication are crucial. The substation status and operational characteristics can be continuously monitored especially at bay level through IEDs and time critical data messages can be exchanged and status information can be disseminated using substation communications and networks. In this work, IEC 61850 based substation communication and network is designed to model the three substation bay level unit IEDs: (i) Merging Unit IED, (ii) Protection & Control IED and (iii) Circuit Breaker IED. These IEDs are configured and simulated in OPNET modeler using node model configuration to disseminate the substation status and time critical data messages, Sampled Measurement Values from primary switchyard equipment and Generic Object Oriented Substation Event messages between bay level devices within defined time periods using abstract syntax notation one, basic encoding rules. For the faster delivery of time critical data messages, data messages are directly mapped at the Ethernet data link layer using publisher subscriber communication service and IEEE 802 Ethernet framework configuration.
The substation time critical data messages transmission can be affected by various atmospheric and propagation factors, causing delays in data messages reception. In this work for proposed 132kV distribution substation using WLAN communication network, publisher subscriber communication service and OPNET modeler node model configuration, the end to end delay is calculated for the time critical data messages using different sampling frequencies and data rates.
Although time varying price incentives based DSM measures can have the significant impacts on energy saving potential and peak demand reduction but consumer active participation and spot on response to time varying price incentives is still questionable. In this work, an integrated utility-consumer driven supervisory price responsive load scheduling and load control strategies are proposed to map the consumer willingness knowledge and active participation information to control the load consumption pattern and demand profile using Fuzzy Inference System. The proposed consumer responsive Time of Use (ToU) model guarantees the consumer participation in DSM load control measures, appliances load scheduling and load consumption limits as per mutual benefits of utilities and consumers.