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What is a KOMP “product”

A term KOMP “product” combines targeting vectors, ES cell clones, mice, and frozen germplasm generated and derived by the KOMP mutagenesis teams: the CSD consortium and Regeneron, Inc.

What are the targeting constructs used for making the KOMP products?

The KOMP Repository acquires products from the two KOMP mutagenesis teams, the CSD Consortium (CHORI, Sanger Institute, and UC Davis) and Regeneron. The following are general details of construct design for each of the two production centers.

The entire gene, or as much of the coding sequence as possible, has been deleted in order to ensure a null allele. If ≤ 40 kb, the target gene has been deleted and replaced with a lacZ and loxP-flanked neo cassette. If >40 kb, as many coding exons as possible will be deleted starting with the start codon, preventing the transcription of any RNA that could code for the gene product. If unusually large, contains highly conserved sequences, or has known promoter or enhancer elements, deletion of the first intron has been avoided. The embedded neo gene flanked by loxP sites can be deleted using Cre, in ES cells or mice, to increase expression of the LacZ reporter gene.

A trapping cassette “SA-βgeo-pA” (splice acceptor-beta-geo-polyA) flanked by Flp-recombinase target “FRT” sites has been inserted within an intron upstream of a critical exon, where it tags the gene with the lacZ reporter, creating a constitutive null mutation in the target gene through efficient splicing to the reporter cassette, resulting in the truncation of the endogenous transcript. Critical coding exons are flanked by Cre-recombinase target “loxP” sites. The reporter-tagged allele can be converted to the lacZ reporter-tagged null (deletion, “Δ”) allele by exposure to Cre recombinase either in ES cells or mice, causing a frame-shift mutation and likely triggering nonsense mediated (NMD) decay of the mutant transcript, thereby ensuring a null allele. Alternatively, the allele can be converted to a wild-type pre-conditional allele by exposure to Flp recombinase, which subsequently can be deleted by Cre.

Who can obtain products and materials from the KOMP Repository?

The KOMP Repository was established to provide KOMP products to bona fide biomedical researchers. KOMP products are distributed from the KOMP Repository for research purposes only. KOMP products can be obtained by any academic institution, government agency, private not-for-profit reseadrch institution, or commercial for-profit entity engaged in research and development utilizing genetically-altered mice. Therefore, most recipients will be associated with a recognized biomedical or other research institution. When obtaining mice, all recipients are required to conform their research to all applicable statutes and regulations, including all applicable federal statutes and Public Health Service policies relating to the use and care of laboratory animals.

How to order a KOMP product?

Ordering FAQ

Can commercial, for-profit entities obtain KOMP products?

Yes. KOMP products are available for distribution to commercial, for-profit entities as well as not-for-profit institutions.

How can I send modifications that I made from the KOMP Materials to another university or non-profit organization (NPO)?

We encourage you to deposit the modifications in the KOMP Repository, and the KOMP Repository will distribute them to requestors. You may also distribute them to other universities and NPOs that also sign a KOMP MTA. Please ensure that the KOMP Repository receives a copy of your organization’s MTA and the KOMP MTA signed by the other university or NPO.

How can I send KOMP mice and other KOMP products to my collaborator at another university or non-profit organization (NPO)?

You can distribute KOMP mice and other KOMP products to your collaborator at another university or NPO after your collaborator’s organization first signs a KOMP MTA. Please ensure that the KOMP Repository receives a copy of the KOMP MTA signed by the other university or NPO.

How do I acknowledge use of a KOMP product or service used for a publication?

By obtaining a KOMP product (vector, ES cell, mice, germplasm) or service (e.g.,microinjection) from the KOMP Repository, you agree to acknowledge the NIH KOMP program.
For your convenience you may use the following information in your publications:

The vector, ES cell(s), and/or mouse strain used for this research project was generated by the trans-NIH Knock-Out Mouse Project (KOMP) and obtained from the KOMP Repository (mmrrc.org). NIH grants to Velocigene at Regeneron Inc (U01HG004085) and the CSD Consortium (U01HG004080) funded the generation of gene-targeted ES cells for 8500 genes in the KOMP Program and archived and distributed by the KOMP Repository at UC Davis and CHORI (U42RR024244). For more information or to obtain KOMP products go to mmrrc.org.

How do I obtain assistance with biological, husbandry, breeding or genotyping questions for a particular strain?

The KOMP Repository provides technical services for all products and services obtained from it. The KOMP Repository Customer Service Center can be contacted at service@komp.org or by phoning (530) 757-8475.