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About Us

Legends Memorabilia Collection

Legends Memorabilia Collection (LMC) is a wholly owned for-profit subsidiary of the Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association (MLBPAA). With access to thousands of former big league players, LMC offers an unparalleled experience in Major League Baseball memorabilia. Each year, our Legends Memorabilia Collection branch hosts dozens of private signings with Hall of Famers, All-Stars and hometown heroes. With these events, fans have the opportunity to send in their products to be signed, offering an unprecedented level of access to autographed MLB memorabilia. In addition, we offer wholesale opportunities for qualified customers, as well as exciting membership opportunities with our MVP Club!

Need a speaker? Our Legends Entertainment Group (LEG) has access to the services of thousands of former major leaguers for speaking engagements, corporate events, hospitality, branding and marketing initiatives, product endorsements, meet and greet opportunities and ceremonial first pitches. For more information, click on the Legends Entertainment Group tab.