Both the technology and the design of MIYO were able to convince the expert jury in numerous product tests. Most recently, it was the test winner in the Haus & Garten Test and in MEINE GARTENWELT.

Water with the multiple test winner

MIYO app

With the MIYO APP you can keep an eye on your garden anytime, anywhere on your mobile phone.

Smart watering

MIYO solarbasiert

Irrigation and radio with the power of the sun. MIYO is the first solar irrigation system. No battery changes, no downtime due to empty batteries.

Solar irrigation

Geniesse deinen Garten mit MIYO

How much water does the garden need?

Too much water is just as damaging to the garden and plants as too little water. Overwatering leads to soil erosion, calcification, increase in salinity and damages root growth. Nutrients are washed out, valuable microorganisms are displaced and the soil becomes compacted.

Conventional time-controlled irrigation does not adapt to changing weather and seasons and therefore constantly leads to over- or under-watering. The result is water wastage and damage to soil and plants.

Get the MIYO Starter Set now and start a new era of garden care. Trust us, your garden will thank you!

How much water does the garden need?

Too much water is just as damaging to the garden and plants as too little water. Overwatering leads to soil erosion, calcification, increase in salinity and damages root growth. Nutrients are washed out, valuable microorganisms are displaced and the soil becomes compacted.

Conventional time-controlled irrigation does not adapt to changing weather and seasons and therefore constantly leads to over- or under-watering. The result is water wastage and damage to soil and plants.

Get the MIYO Starter Set now and start a new era of garden care. Trust us, your garden will thank you!

Geniesse deinen Garten mit MIYO
Mehr Genuss im Garten mit der smarten MIYO Bewässerung

MIYO is the solution

MIYO measures soil moisture and knows the weather and weather forecast.

This means the plants always receive the amount of water they need. This significantly reduces water consumption and keeps the soil and plants healthy and strong.

Like your plants, MIYO uses the sun's energy and therefore saves you from having to change batteries. This makes MIYO the first intelligent solar irrigation system and its unique technology ensures sustainable and environmentally friendly irrigation.

Treat yourself to ultimate control over your irrigation with the MIYO Starter Set . No matter where you are, your plants are always optimally cared for. Thanks to the MIYO app, you always have an eye on your garden and can conveniently control the irrigation from your smartphone.

MIYO is the solution

MIYO measures soil moisture and knows the weather and weather forecast.

This means the plants always receive the amount of water they need. This significantly reduces water consumption and keeps the soil and plants healthy and strong.

Like your plants, MIYO uses the sun's energy and therefore saves you from having to change batteries. This makes MIYO the first intelligent solar irrigation system and its unique technology ensures sustainable and environmentally friendly irrigation.

Treat yourself to ultimate control over your irrigation with the MIYO Starter Set . No matter where you are, your plants are always optimally cared for. Thanks to the MIYO app, you always have an eye on your garden and can conveniently control the irrigation from your smartphone.

Mehr Genuss im Garten mit der smarten MIYO Bewässerung
"I can really recommend the MIYO system if, like me, you don't have a green thumb but still don't want to miss out on a well-kept garden."

smarthomeblogger via email

"So far, MIYO seems to be doing its job correctly. I may not be the typical average user (very limited time, no direct control option), but I think that such a system is particularly suitable for holiday home owners. Independence from electricity is also an important argument."

Christian R. via Mail

"The system is easy to use, yet flexible and works perfectly. I haven't had to worry about watering for three months and the garden is greener than ever. Clear purchase recommendation!"

Karin S. via Mail

"I received my delivery yesterday, connected the hub and valve, the valve was sufficiently charged this morning and was usable, setup was child's play, irrigation is running, sensational."

Robert S. via Mail

12/22 voted the most beautiful garden irrigation Statista/Computerwelt -- 09/23 Test winner Home & Garden -- 01/24 Test winner MY GARDEN WORLD
MIYO Smart Garden System Video

How does MIYO work?

MIYO Smart Garden Bewässerungssystem Ventil solarMIYO Smarte Bewässerungssteuerung mit Solarenergie Sensor


The Cube is the brain of your MIYO system. It maintains a wireless connection to the sensor and valve and coordinates the irrigation.

It receives weather forecasts via the internet connection and communicates with the mobile phone app. This means you get the current status everywhere and can set the irrigation parameters.

MIYO only irrigates when necessary, saving water and protecting soil and plants.

MIYO Sensor

The sensor measures soil moisture, temperature and brightness. This data is transmitted to the cube via radio.

The cube controls irrigation based on sensor data and the weather forecast from the Internet.

The sensor draws its energy from the sun via the integrated solar panel. Wiring and changing batteries are no longer necessary thanks to the unique MIYO technology.

MIYO valve

The valve is controlled by the Cube, which optimizes irrigation based on weather data and forecasts, measured soil moisture, and many garden parameters. Irrigation can also be started manually via the app.

This means the plants only receive the amount of water they need. This saves water and prevents underwatering and overwatering. This keeps the soil and plants healthy.

The valve gets its energy from the sun via the integrated solar panel. Wiring and changing batteries are no longer necessary thanks to the unique MIYO technology.