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Bika matoanteny


  1. mpandray anjara voalohany singiolary filaza manoro ankehitriny ny fiendrika manano ny matoanteny legare






  1. endrika miantso singiolary ny teny lega







  1. zavatra tsy mahalala, tsy mahalala


Anarana iombonana


  1. olona tsy manam-pahaizana






  1. karazana biriky kilalao plastika


  • IPA(key): /ˈle(ː)ɡo/, [ˈle̞(ː)ɡo̞]
  • Rhymes: -eɡo
  • Syllabification(key): le‧go






  1. maka ny tenany tsy ara-drariny
  2. mamaky teny
  3. manala, manavaka
  4. mandefa iraka
  5. mandefa, mandefa ho toy ny masoivoho
  6. manendry
  7. manendry ho toy ny legato
  8. manendry, manankina, manolo
  9. manendry, mandidy na mandova amin'ny alalan'ny testamenta farany
  10. mifidy



  • Erreur Lua dans Module:R:Perseus à la ligne 164 : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • lego in Enrico Olivetti, editor (2003-2024) Dizionario Latino, Olivetti Media Communication
  • lego in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to read Plato: Platonem legere, lectitare
    • to study Plato: Platonem legere et cognoscere
    • the reader: legentes, ii qui legunt
    • to leave money to a person in one's will: pecuniam alicui legare
    • a dictator appoints a magister equitum: dictator dicit (legit) magistrum equitum
    • to elect to the senate: in senatum legere, eligere
    • to levy recruits to fill up the strength: supplementum cogere, scribere, legere
    • to hug the coast: oram legere (Liv. 21. 51)
    • (ambiguous) this is our natural tendency, our destiny; nature compels us: ita (ea lege, ea condicione) nati sumus
    • (ambiguous) the rules of speech, grammar: leges dicendi
    • (ambiguous) to hold by the letter (of the law): verba ac litteras or scriptum (legis) sequi (opp. sententia the spirit)
    • (ambiguous) the constitution: instituta et leges
    • (ambiguous) to give the state a constitution: civitati leges, iudicia, iura describere
    • (ambiguous) to bring a bill before the notice of the people: legem, rogationem promulgare (Liv. 33. 46)
    • (ambiguous) to propose a law in the popular assembly: legem ferre or simply ferre ad populum, ut...
    • (ambiguous) to support a bill (before the people): legem suadere (opp. dissuadere)
    • (ambiguous) to support a bill (before the people): pro lege dicere
    • (ambiguous) to formally propose a law to the people: legem rogare or rogare populum (cf. sect. XVI. 4, note Aulus Gellius...)
    • (ambiguous) to carry a law (said of the magistrate): legem perferre (Liv. 33. 46)
    • (ambiguous) to reject a bill: legem antiquare (opp. accipere, iubere)
    • (ambiguous) to vote for a law: legem sciscere (Planc. 14. 35)
    • (ambiguous) to ratify a law (used of the people): legem iubere
    • (ambiguous) to let a bill become law (of the people and senate): legem sancire
    • (ambiguous) Solo ordained by law that..: Solo lege sanxit, ut or ne
    • (ambiguous) to replace an old law by a new: legem abrogare (Att. 3. 23. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to abolish a law: legem tollere (Leg. 2. 12. 31)
    • (ambiguous) to protest against a law (used of the veto, intercessio, of plebeian tribunes): legi intercedere
    • (ambiguous) to bring a law before the notice of the people: legem proponere in publicum
    • (ambiguous) to engrave a law upon a brazen tablet: legem in aes incīdere
    • (ambiguous) to declare a law valid: legem ratam esse iubere
    • (ambiguous) to transgress a law: a lege discedere
    • (ambiguous) the law says..: in lege scriptum est, or simply est
    • (ambiguous) the spirit of the law: sententia or voluntas legis
    • (ambiguous) to make laws (of a legislator): leges scribere, facere, condere, constituere (not dare)
    • (ambiguous) a legislator: qui leges scribit (not legum lator)
    • (ambiguous) to swear obedience to a law: in legem iurare (Sest. 16. 37)
    • (ambiguous) to be bound by a law: lege teneri
    • (ambiguous) on condition of..: ea lege, ut
    • (ambiguous) a thing is illegal: aliquid contra legem est
    • (ambiguous) to upset the whole constitution: omnes leges confundere
    • (ambiguous) lawlessness; anarchy: leges nullae
    • (ambiguous) to go to law with a person: (ex) iure, lege agere cum aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to be condemned under the Lex Plautia: lege Plautia damnari (Sall. Cat. 31. 4)
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy lego tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)

Espaniôla Taloha


Anarana iombonana


  1. olona tsy manam-pahaizana





Anarana iombonana


  1. kilalao plastika miloko kely vita amin'ny Lego Company


