- mamely amin'ny lohany
- mamely tsy misy fanakianana
- mifatotra amin'ny farany na amin'ny faran'ny rantsany ivelany
- Wright, Joseph (1898) The English Dialect Dictionary[1], volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 463–465
- Patricia T. O'Conner; Stewart Kellerman , quoting Steve Hartman Keiser (27 December 2021), chapter Cut, butt, skip, or ditch in line?, in Grammarphobia[2], archived from the original on 2023-05-21: “He says "budding" (or "butting") "appears to have a wider general distribution than budging" and "can be found in eastern Canada, upstate New York (where budging is also attested), Pennsylvania, Maryland, and northern Ohio."”* Wright, Joseph (1898) The English Dialect Dictionary[3], volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 463–465
- Patricia T. O'Conner; Stewart Kellerman , quoting Steve Hartman Keiser (27 December 2021), chapter Cut, butt, skip, or ditch in line?, in Grammarphobia[4], archived from the original on 2023-05-21: “He says "budding" (or "butting") "appears to have a wider general distribution than budging" and "can be found in eastern Canada, upstate New York (where budging is also attested), Pennsylvania, Maryland, and northern Ohio."”
- Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy butt tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)
Anarana iombonana
- Ny soroka amin'ny biby, indrindra ny ampahany ambony amin'ny sakafo, toy ny hena
- anglisy fepetra ny fahaiza-manao ho an'ny ranon-javatra, misy 126 divay gallons izay antsasaky ny taonina; mitovy amin'ny sodina
- fanosehana amin'ny ady sabatra
- fanosehana, na fikapohana, na fikapohana tampoka, ataon'ny loha; loha
- faran'ny fako amin'ny zavatra rehetra
- fetra, fetra farany, farany
- ny faran'ny zavatra lehibe kokoa na matevina kokoa; ny faran'ny zavatra tsy misy dikany, mifanohitra amin'ny faran'ny zavatra maranitra na tery
- trondro fisaka isan-karazany toy ny tongolobe, plaisa na turbot
- Wright, Joseph (1898) The English Dialect Dictionary[5], volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 463–465
- Patricia T. O'Conner; Stewart Kellerman , quoting Steve Hartman Keiser (27 December 2021), chapter Cut, butt, skip, or ditch in line?, in Grammarphobia[6], archived from the original on 2023-05-21: “He says "budding" (or "butting") "appears to have a wider general distribution than budging" and "can be found in eastern Canada, upstate New York (where budging is also attested), Pennsylvania, Maryland, and northern Ohio."”* Wright, Joseph (1898) The English Dialect Dictionary[7], volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, page 463–465
- Patricia T. O'Conner; Stewart Kellerman , quoting Steve Hartman Keiser (27 December 2021), chapter Cut, butt, skip, or ditch in line?, in Grammarphobia[8], archived from the original on 2023-05-21: “He says "budding" (or "butting") "appears to have a wider general distribution than budging" and "can be found in eastern Canada, upstate New York (where budging is also attested), Pennsylvania, Maryland, and northern Ohio."”
- Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy butt tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)