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Important events

This page contains links to some of the most important past events organised by the Finnish Society of Forest Science. We selected here only events, presentations of which are available or which can be linked to an open conference publication.

Night of Science, January 2024: Workshop on digital tools for multipurpose forest management planning

Finnish Society of Forest Science participated in the Night of Science by organising a workshop on “New tools for multipurpose forest management planning”. Participants of the workshop had the opportunity to use two simulators.

FAIR opening of research data, August 2023 (in English)

Most research funders and journals request the data to be opened following the FAIR principles. FAIR data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. What does this mean for the research process, from planning to data collection to analysis and finally to publication? Finnish Society of Forest Science organised in August 2023 a half-day hybrid seminar, in which we learned the practical steps for FAIRly opening research data. Recordings of the talks are available on the event page.

Excursion of the Finnish Society of Forest Science to Estonia, September 2022

Finnish Society of Forest Science organised a three-day forest excursion to Estonia at the beginning of September 2022. We saw both forest research and forestry practice in Estonia, visited modern top science laboratories, felt the old days in an Estonian mansion and hiked in a hemiboreal forest.

Open data in forest sciences – benefits, problems and future, December 2020 (in Finnish)

Many European research funders, including the Academy of Finland, demand that data produced in projects of their funding must be open. Why the data should be open? What are the pros and cons of opening research data? Finnish Society of Forest Science organised a webinar on open data in forest sciences on 10 Dec 2020. We heard talks on the experiences of data openers and users of open data, good practices for opening your data. Links to the recordings are in the Finnish language page of the event.

Finland as a trail blazer of forest research – current applications and future openings, May 2019 (in English with Finnish links)

Finnish Society of Forest Science was established on 29 April 1909. We celebrated our Society’s 110 years of work for Finnish forest sciences by means of a scientific seminar and a gala dinner on Friday, 10 May 2019. The scientific seminar was in the Viikki Campus of the University of Helsinki. The gala dinner was in Kiltasali, downtown Helsinki.

Open Forest Science, May 2018 (in English)

Open science has grown rapidly to a leading idea in sciences, especially in scholarly publishing. Finnish Society of Forest Science organised a whole day event on open science applications in forest sciences. After an introduction to open science, we discussed pros and cons of several open science initiatives, including open access publishing and open research data.

International Workshop on Forest Science Publishing, Helsinki, October 2015 (in English)

The initiative to establish the IUFRO Working Party 9.01.06 on forest science publishing was made in the XXIV IUFRO World Congress in Salt Lake City, USA. Finnish Society of Forest Science hosted the first activity of the Working Party, th International Workshop on Forest Science Publishing on 15-16 October 2015 in Helsinki. The workshop gathered editors of forest science journals and scientists interested in publishing from Europe, North America, and Australia for discussing timely topics on publishing forest science.

7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Saariselkä, June 2013 (in English)

The functional-structural plant models (FSPMs) address the complex interaction between plant architecture and biological and physical processes driving plant production and development. They combine plant architecture, molecular genetics, plant physiology, and environmental influences with computer science and mathematics. The First International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, emphasising trees, was organised in Finland in 1997. The Finnish Society of Forest Science, Finnish Forest Research Institute, and the Department of Forest Sciences at the University of Helsinki jointly organised the seventh international conference on these models.

Scientists’ views on the forest law project, February 2013 (in Finnish)

Finnish Society of Forest Science invited leading forest scientists to discuss the forest law proposal, which was open for comments early 2013. The proposal became law in 2014. In the Forest Science Day of 2019, we reviewed the effects of the law in Finnish forests during the six year in force.