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Questions or Suggestions?

Search for Existing Issue

First search to see if someone has already asked (and hopefully been answered) or suggested the same thing.

If you find an open issue or discussion thread that is similar to your question but isn't answered, you can let us know that you are also interested in it. Use the GitHub reactions to add a thumbs-up to the issue or discussion thread, or append to the issue if needed.

This helps the team know the relative interest in something and helps them set priorities and assignments.

Add a new Issue

You have not found anything that already addresses your request, or maybe you have come up with the new idea? Feel free to open a new issue or discussion.

Log in to GitHub.com, and use GitHub issue tracker of the mermaid-js repository. Press [https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/new/choose] issue, select the appropriate template and describe your problem.