Welcome to Olivier Zendra’s homepage at http://members.loria.fr/Olivier.Zendra !
I’m a full-time tenured Inria researcher (Chargé de Recherche, in French) at Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, France. There, I’m a member of the TAMIS team.
I used to be at Inria Nancy – Grand Est, France, as a member of the LORIA research center (UMR 7503), as member of of the project-teams ECOO, Miro, Design, and then TRIO.
The research projects I have worked on include:
- The implementation and compilation of object-oriented languages, with a focus on optimizing for speed and memory. I’m one of the two people who created and implemented SmartEiffel, The GNU Eiffel Compiler (formerly SmallEiffel), during my PhD.
- Low-power and low-energy, in the context of embedded systems. I lead the software part of the Open-PEOPLE (Open Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and Estimator) project.
- Advanced visualization of software, with the VITRAIL (Advanced, Immersive and Real-Time Visualisation Software) project.
- Cybersecurity, my new focus as of 2017.