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eISSN: 2641-936X

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal (EETOAJ) is an international referred journal which aims to publish original research papers, review articles, short communications, opinions, news, etc., on the most important and latest technological advances in electrical and electronic engineering and in related disciplines. This journal covers all essential branches of electromagnetics, power and energy, electronics, information and systems, wave propagation theory, signal processing, telecommunications, physics of semiconductors, and physical processes in electron devices, as well as applications in biology, medicine, microelectronics, nanoelectronics, electron and ion emission.

Latest Articles

Research Article Open Access

Plasmon effect of graphene quantum dots on corrugated silver film

Pham Nam Thang,1,2 Le Xuan Hung,2,3 Vu DucChinh,1 Phan Ngoc Hong,1,2 Duong Ngoc Tu,4Pham Thu Nga1,2,3

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - December 31, 2018

Review Article Open Access

Assessment of PV solar energy system and smart grid: a review

Nagorao Pawar, Pragya Nema

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - December 19, 2018

Conceptual Paper Open Access

A real time train track tracking system: design and implementation for Indian railway

Shreya Mathur, Sunil Pathak, Sunil Gupta

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - December 5, 2018

Research Article Open Access

Microwave combustion synthesis method to prepare indium tin oxide NPS for sensor

R Perumalsamy,1,2 S Nivetha,1,5 P Ponsurya,3 BH Abbas Shahul Hameed,4 A Ayeshamariam1

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 29, 2018

Research Article Open Access

Investigation of asymmetric power distribution in balanced three-phase systems in planar arrangement

Balazs Novak

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 29, 2018

Mini Review Open Access

Secret sharing schemes

Ali Nakhaei Amroudi

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 28, 2018

Research Article Open Access

Elliptic curve based server authentication system formulti-server infrastructure

Nancy Girdhar,1 Himanshu Monga2

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 28, 2018

Mini Review Open Access

Molecular communication noise effect analysis of diffusion based channel for considering msk and mosk modulations

A Azari, SK Seyyedi S

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 28, 2018

Research Article Open Access

Liquid phase epitaxy apparatus and features of Hg1-xCdxTe layers

Sh O Eminov

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 28, 2018

Mini Review Open Access

Recent developments in computer vision for finding available parking lots

Murat Karakaya

Electrical & Electronic Technology Open Access Journal - November 27, 2018