The Monarch Internship and Co-op Office was asked to present at the luncheon for the Hampton Roads Chapter. One of our assistant directors, Dr. Saige Hill, asked me to speak at the end of our presentation about my experience working for the Monarch Internship and Co-op Office and the internship placement that I was able to secure with our offices' help for Summer 2024.

I was able to talk about how our office supported me and prepped me for my interview. I explained that I was able to feel confident and accurately showcase my character and skills, which ultimately allowed me to secure a high profile internship position for Summer 2024.
We were able to network and get the word out to the community about what our office is trying to do for the students on campus at Old Dominion University. Internships benefit not only the student, but the employer so we wanted to make sure that the importance of these opportunities were highlighted.