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QRS Constant

Quinn et al. (2007) investigated a class of N coupled oscillators whose bifurcation phase offset had a conjectured asymptotic behavior of sinphi∼1-c_1/N, with an experimental estimate for the constant c_1 as c_1=0.605443657... (OEIS A131329). Rather amazingly, Bailey et al. (2007) were able to find a closed form for c_1 as the unique root of zeta(1/2,1/2z) in the interval [0,2], where zeta(z,a) is a Hurwitz zeta function.

A related constant conjectured by Quinn et al. (2007) to exist was defined in terms of


and given by


(OEIS A131330). Even more amazingly, the exact value of this constant was also found by Bailey et al. (2007) without full proof, but with enough to indicate that such a proof could in principle be constructed, to have the exact value


See also

Hurwitz Zeta Function

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Bailey, D. H.; Borwein, J. M.; and Crandall, R. E. "Resolution of the Quinn-Rand-Strogatz Constant of Nonlinear Physics." Preprint. June 4, 2007. http://users.cs.dal.ca/~jborwein/QRS.pdf.Quinn, D. ; Rand, R.; and Strogatz, S. "Singular Unlocking Transition in the Winfree Model of Coupled Oscillators." Phys. Rev. E 75, 036218-1-10, 2007.Sloane, N. J. A. Sequences A131329 and A131330 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."

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QRS Constant

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Weisstein, Eric W. "QRS Constant." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/QRSConstant.html

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