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Irrationality Measure

Let x be a real number, and let R be the set of positive real numbers mu for which


has (at most) finitely many solutions p/q for p and q integers. Then the irrationality measure, sometimes called the Liouville-Roth constant or irrationality exponent, is defined as the threshold at which Liouville's approximation theorem kicks in and x is no longer approximable by rational numbers,

 mu(x)=inf_(mu in R)mu,

where inf_(mu in R)mu is the infimum. If the set R is empty, then mu(x) is defined to be mu(x)=infty, and x is called a Liouville number. There are three possible regimes for nonempty R:

 {mu(x)=1   if x is rational; mu(x)=2   if x is algebraic of degree >1; mu(x)>=2   if x is transcendental,

where the transitional case mu(x)=2 can correspond to x being either algebraic of degree >1 or x being transcendental. Showing that mu(x)=2 for x an algebraic number is a difficult result for which Roth was awarded the Fields medal.

The definition of irrationality measure is equivalent to the statement that if x has irrationality measure mu, then mu is the smallest number such that the inequality


holds for any epsilon>0 and all integers p and q with q sufficiently large.

The irrationality measure of an irrational number x can be given in terms of its simple continued fraction expansion x=[a_0,a_1,a_2,...] and its convergents p_n/q_n as

mu(x)=1+lim sup_(n->infty)(lnq_(n+1))/(lnq_n)
=2+lim sup_(n->infty)(lna_(n+1))/(lnq_n)

(Sondow 2004). For example, the golden ratio phi has


which follows immediately from (6) and the simple continued fraction expansion phi=[1,1,1,...].

Exact values include mu(L)=infty for L Liouville's constant and mu(e)=2 (Borwein and Borwein 1987, pp. 364-365). The best known upper bounds for other common constants as of mid-2020 are summarized in the following table, where zeta(3) is Apéry's constant, Ln_q(2) and h_q(1) are q-harmonic series, and the lower bounds are 2.

constant xupper boundreference
pi7.10320534Zeilberger and Zudilin (2020)
pi^25.09541179Zudilin (2013)
ln23.57455391Marcovecchio (2009)
ln35.116201Bondareva et al. (2018)
zeta(3)5.513891Rhin and Viola (2001)
Ln_q(2)2.9384Matala-Aho et al. (2006)
h_q(1)2.4650Zudilin (2004)

The bound for pi is due to Zeilberger and Zudilin (2020) and improves on the value 7.606308 previously found by Salikhov (2008). It has exact value given as follows. Let N_+/- be the complex conjugate roots of


let N_3 be the positive real root, and let


then the bound is given by


Alekseyev (2011) has shown that the question of the convergence of the Flint Hills series is related to the irrationality measure of pi, and in particular, convergence would imply mu(pi)<=2.5, which is much stronger than the best currently known upper bound.

See also

Algebraic Number, Liouville's Approximation Theorem, Rational Number, Roth's Theorem, Transcendence Degree, Transcendental Number

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Irrationality Measure

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Irrationality Measure." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/IrrationalityMeasure.html

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