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Earls Sequence

The Earls sequence gives the starting position in the decimal digits of pi (or in general, any constant), not counting digits to the left of the decimal point, at which a string of n copies of the number n first occurs. The following table gives generalized Earls sequences for various constants, including pi.

Apéry's constantA22907410, 57, 3938, 421, 41813, 1625571, 4903435, 99713909, ...
Catalan's constantA2248192, 107, 1225, 596, 32187, 185043, 20444527, 92589355, 3487283621, ...
Champernowne constantA2248961, 34, 56, 1222, 1555, 25554, 29998, 433330, 7988888882, 1101010101010, ...
Copeland-Erdős constantA2248975, 113, 1181, 21670, 263423, 7815547, 35619942, 402720247, 450680638
eA2248282, 252, 1361, 11806, 210482, 9030286, 3548262, 141850388, 1290227011
Euler-Mascheroni constantA2248265, 139, 163, 10359, 86615, 193446, 236542, 6186099, 36151186
Glaisher-Kinkelin constantA2257637, 14, 2264, 1179, 411556, ...
golden ratioA2248442, 62, 158, 1216, 72618, 2905357, 7446157, 41398949, 1574998166
Golomb-Dickman constantA22524228, 256, 1967, 387, ...
Khinchin's constantA2248369, 42, 1799, 494, 5760, ...
natural logarithm of 2A2282424, 419, 2114, 3929, 38451, 716837, 6180096, 10680693, 2539803904
natural logarithm of 10A22824320, 111, 56, 9041, 4767, 674596, 24611354, 64653957, 131278082
piA0610731, 135, 1698, 54525, 24466, 252499, 3346228, 46663520, 564665206
Pythagoras's constantA2248712, 114, 1481, 3308, 72459, 226697, 969836, 119555442, 2971094743
Soldner's constantA2290713, 42, 178, 10013, 31567, ...
Theodorus's constantA22487427, 215, 1651, 2279, 21640, 176497, 7728291, 77659477, 638679423

Note that the 20-digit sequence 10...10_()_(10) does not occur in the first 1.1×10^(10) digits of pi, nor in fact do any of the 2n-digit sequences xy...xy_()_(xy) for any two-digit number n=10x+y with 1<=x<=9 and 0<=y<=9 (E. W. Weisstein, Jul. 20, 2013).

See also

Apéry's Constant Digits, Catalan's Constant Digits, Champernowne Constant Digits, Copeland-Erdős Constant Digits, e, Euler-Mascheroni Constant Digits, Feynman Point, Glaisher-Kinkelin Constant Digits, Golden Ratio Digits, Golomb-Dickman Constant Digits, Khinchin's Constant Digits, Natural Logarithm of 2 Digits, Natural Logarithm of 10 Digits, Pi Digits, Pickover's Sequence, Pythagoras's Constant Digits, Soldner's Constant Digits, Theodorus's Constant Digits

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Anderson, D. "The Pi-Search Page." http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery.Pickover, C. A. The Mathematics of Oz: Mental Gymnastics from Beyond the Edge. New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 338, 2002.Sloane, N. J. A. Sequences A061073, A224819, A224826, A224828, A224836, A224844, A224871, A224874, A224896, A224897, A225242, A225763, A228242, A228243, A229074, and A229071 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."

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Earls Sequence

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Earls Sequence." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/EarlsSequence.html

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