Hello little butterfly! This is my little corner in the web to plant my own secret garden. I draw. I write. I read.
You’ll find me scattered across the net as @imMarisabel or perhaps, you'd like to follow along more closely with my RSS feed where every post, update, and even the simplest bookmark is an invitation to wander through my world. Feel free to leave a note in my guestbook—because every garden flourishes with a bit of company.
"Might I," quavered Mary, "might I have a bit of earth?" In her eagerness she did not realize how queer the words would sound and that they were not the ones she had meant to say. Mr. Craven looked quite startled. "Earth!" he repeated. "What do you mean?" "To plant seeds in, to make things grow, to see them come alive," Mary faltered.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett [CH.12]