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maple syrup and pancakes
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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

sherlock holmes deduces you are trans before you've figured it out yourself and refers to you with those pronouns and then when you look confused is like "ah...had you not arrived at that conclusion yet?" and wafts away in his dressing gown to smoke seventeen pipes, leaving you in a gender crisis


Hercule Poirot deduces you are trans by accident because he suspected you of murder and broke into your house and searched your stuff then puts 2 and 2 together when Hastings makes an innocuous observation about your fashion sense or something and he jumps up and cries “mon dieu!!!” before striding over to you kissing you on both cheeks and saying “ah, cher ami, you must live as you choose!” and then running off to confront the real culprit while you stand there in befuddlement


Columbo deduces you're trans from context clues while he's talking to you about the area, immediately uses your preferred pronouns and starts telling you about his cousin, who's also transgender, and how they got this job doing security, and how they told him that a security guard always locks up, and asks you if the guard locked up last night, and isn't it weird the place was open? And you're like, well, someone else must have opened it up. Maybe the guy in charge? He has a spare key. And then he nods and goes "the guy in charge has a spare key... well, how about that?" And then he offers you a cigar and wanders off, and a day later your boss gets arrested for murder.


Harry du Bois doesn't fully realize that you are transgender, or what transsexuality really even is, but he does have a Sense about you, which leads him to fumble through your limited interactions over the course of the investigation in a specific manner that you can't quite place until, after a personal epiphany and a couple years of estrogen, you realize he was chasing without either of you knowing what that meant


He would, unfortunately, call it a princess wand.


current fan creation landscape is kinda like if you went to a party with a homemade cake and everyone takes a slice and silently thumbs up at you with no attempt to start a conversation except for occasionally some guy sits in the corner with a tape recorder critiquing the cake as though he was a restaurant critic and another guy is handing the cake to an uber driver like "yeah i need you to find a restaurant that makes cake like this so i can have more of it" and the only person that's talked to you in 30 minutes is a very sweet little guy who was like "hey i liked your cake" and then ran away apologizing for bothering you the moment you said thank you.


someone brought a cake analysis robot to feed the cake into to determine the exact ingredients and supposedly it can spit out the exact same cake. and if you're like dude. what. then they're like well if it bothers you you should have made more cake. i'm hungry and i deserve cake. and you're like dude we're at a party.


Three months later you find out that fifty people locked themselves in a room to discuss how much they loved your cake and how they wished you made more. None of them ever told you.


it was inevitable that cohost would shut down as social media by and large is a venture capitalist pursuit built to attract advertisers, but I'm reading a deep dive on what was going down over the course of development and it's making me wish that the site would have survived.....if only to give rise to forum drama of the new age



Pretty sure this is the source: @lori@hackers.town on mastodon.

Cohost seemed like a nice enough place from a distance but it was quite clearly not long for this world.


You know how when Rita got banned for posting a transition timeline and the carhammerexplosion meme started and everyone was talking about jumping ship to another website? Remember how people were suggesting bluesky or cohost? Remember how that post went around saying someone (a trans woman) on the cohost staff was a pedo and a zoophile or something? I wonder how many potential users Cohost lost because someone decided to be baselessly transmisogynistic. Anyway it’s shutting down.


do you not understand how every single user was each costing them hundreds of dollars a month in media hosting that without a stable plan to make that back more users would simply make them hemorrhage more and more money or do you simply want to be glib about how websites work for the sake of covering for people who are way too smug about things they don’t particularly do well at either

and don't get me started about the hostility towards anything that wasn't cohost that came from cohost can't wait for the poor to be pissed on