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How to Cite MaizeGDB

Why cite MaizeGDB?

One of the ways we are able to demonstrate that MaizeGDB is a useful resource is by tracking references to MaizeGDB in the literature. If you wish to make reference to the project, placing a link within the paper (e.g., https://www.maizegdb.org) is not enough! Although we appreciate the inclusion of any reference to MaizeGDB in your publications, we cannot track these sorts of references. Instead, please use the following as a guide to citing MaizeGDB within your publications.

When citing MaizeGDB please use:

Woodhouse MR, Cannon EK, Portwood JL, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM. (2021) A pan-genomic approach to genome databases using maize as a model system. BMC Plant Biol 21, 385. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-03173-5.

Other MaizeGDB publications:

Journal | Conference and Workshops | Extended abstracts | Abstract coordination

Refereed (journal)


Andorf CM, Haley OC, Hayford RK, Portwood JL, Harding S, Sen S, Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Kim HS, and Woodhouse MR. (2024) PanEffect: A Pan-Genome Visualization Tool for Variant Effects in Maize. Bioinformatics 40 (2).

Cannon, EK, Portwood JL, Hayford RK, Haley OC, Gardiner JM, Andorf CM, and Woodhouse MR. (2024) Enhanced Pan-Genomic Resources at the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database. Genetics, April. https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyae036.

Poretsky E, Cagirici HB, Andorf CM, and Sen TZ. (2024) Harnessing the Predicted Maize Pan-Interactome for Putative Gene Function Prediction and Prioritization of Candidate Genes for Important Traits. G3 , March. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkae059.

Hayford RK, Haley OC, Cannon EK, Portwood JL, Gardiner JM, Andorf CM, and Woodhouse MR. (2024) Functional Annotation and Meta-Analysis of Maize Transcriptomes Reveal Genes Involved in Biotic and Abiotic Stress. BMC Genomics 25, 533. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10443-7.

Andorf CM, Ross-Ibarra J, Seetharam AS, Hufford MB, Woodhouse MR. (2024) A unified VCF data set from nearly 1,500 diverse maize accessions and resources to explore the genomic landscape of maize. bioRxiv 2024.04.30.591904; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.30.591904.

Kim HS, Haley OC, Portwood JL, Harding S, Proctor RH, Woodhouse MR, Sen TZ, Andorf CM. (2024) Fusarium Protein Toolkit: AI-powered tools to combat fungal threats to agriculture. bioRxiv 2024.04.30.591916; https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.30.591916.


Poretsky E, Andorf CM, and Sen TZ. (2023) PhosBoost: Improved Phosphorylation Prediction Recall Using Gradient Boosting and Protein Language Models. Plant Direct 7 (12): e554. https://doi.org/10.1002/pld3.554.

Sen, S, Woodhouse MR, Portwood JL, and Andorf CM. (2023) Maize Feature Store: A Centralized Resource to Manage and Analyze Curated Maize Multi-Omics Features for Machine Learning Applications. Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2023 (November). https://doi.org/10.1093/database/baad078.

Woodhouse MR, Portwood JL, Sen S, Hayford RK, Gardiner JM, Cannon EK, Harper LC, Andorf CM. (2023) Maize Protein Structure Resources at the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database. Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyad016.


Cagirici HB, Andorf CM, Sen TZ. (2022) Co-expression pan-network reveals genes involved in complex traits within maize pan-genome. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1), 595. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-022-03985-z

Cho KT, Sen TZ, Andorf CM. (2022) Predicting Tissue-Specific mRNA and Protein Abundance in Maize: A Machine Learning Approach. Frontiers in artificial intelligence. 26 May 2022 Sec. AI in Food, Agriculture and Water. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.830170.


Banerjee S, Bhandary P, Woodhouse M, Sen TZ, Wise RP, Andorf CM. (2021) FINDER: an automated software package to annotate eukaryotic genes from RNA-Seq data and associated protein sequences. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021 Apr 20;22(1):205. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04120-9.

Hufford MB, Seetharam AS, Woodhouse MR, Chougule KM, Ou S, Liu J, Ricci WA, Guo T, Olson A, Qiu Y, Della Coletta R, Tittes S, Hudson AI, Marand AP, Wei S, Lu Z, Wang B, Tello-Ruiz MK, Piri RD, Wang N, Kim DW, Zeng Y, O'Connor CH, Li X, Gilbert AM, Baggs E, Krasileva KV, Portwood JL 2nd, Cannon EKS, Andorf CM, Manchanda N, Snodgrass SJ, Hufnagel DE, Jiang Q, Pedersen S, Syring ML, Kudrna DA, Llaca V, Fengler K, Schmitz RJ, Ross-Ibarra J, Yu J, Gent JI, Hirsch CN, Ware D, Dawe RK. (2021) De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes. 2021 Science. Aug 6;373(6555):655-662. doi: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg5289.

Woodhouse MR, Cannon EK, Portwood JL, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM. (2021) A pan-genomic approach to genome databases using maize as a model system. BMC Plant Biol 21, 385. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-03173-5.

Woodhouse MR, Sen S, Schott D, Portwood JL, Freeling M, Walley JW, Andorf CM, Schnable JC. (2021) qTeller: A tool for comparative multi-genomic gene expression analysis. Bioinformatics, 202;, btab604, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab604.


Liu J, Seetharam AS, Chougule K, Ou S, Swentowsky KW, Gent JI, Llaca V, Woodhouse MH, Manchanda N, Presting GG, Kurdna DA, Alabady M, Hirsch CN, Fengler KA, Ware D, TMichael TP, Hufford MB, Dawe RK. (2020) Gapless assembly of maize chromosomes using long-read technologies. Genome Biology. 21:121. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02029-9.

Manchanda N, Portwood J, Woodhouse MR, Seetharam AS, Lawrence-Dill CJ, Andorf CM, Hufford MB. (2020) GenomeQC: A quality assessment tool for genome assemblies and gene structure annotations. (2020) BMC Genomics. 2020 Mar 2;21(1):193. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-6568-2.

Marcon C, Altrogge L, Win YN, Stöcker T, Gardiner JM, Portwood JL 2nd, Opitz N, Kortz A, Baldauf JA, Hunter CT, McCarty DR, Koch KE, Schoof H, Hochholdinger F. (2020) BonnMu: A Sequence-Indexed Resource of Transposon-Induced Maize Mutations for Functional Genomics Studies. Plant Physiol. Oct;184(2):620-631 doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.20.00478

Ou S, Liu J, Chougule K, Fungtammasan A, Seetharam A, Stein JC, Llaca V, Manchanda N, Gilbert A, Wei S, Chin CS, Hufnagel DE, Pedersen S, Snodgrass SJ, Fengler K, Woodhouse MR, Walenz BP, Koren S, Phillippy AM, Hannigan BT, Dawe RK, Hirsch CN, Hufford MB, Ware D. (2020) Effect of sequence depth and length in long-read assembly of the maize inbred NC358. Nature Communications. 11:2288. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16037-7.

Shamimuzzaman M, Gardiner JM, Walsh AT, Triant DA, Le Tourneau, JJ, Tayal A, Unni DR, Nguyen HH, Portwood II, JL, Cannon EK, Andorf CM, Elsik CG. (2020) MaizeMine: A data mining warehouse for the maize genetics and genomics database (MaizeGDB). Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.592730.

Triant DA, Le Tourneau JJ, Diesh CM, Unni DR, Shamimuzzaman M, Walsh AT, Gardiner J, Goldkamp AK, Li Y, Nguyen HN, Roberts C, Zhao Z, Alexander LJ, Decker JE, Schnabel RD, Schroeder SG, Sonstegard TS, Taylor JF, Rivera RM, Hagen DE, Elsik CG. (2020) Using online tools at the Bovine Genome Database to manually annotate genes in the new reference genome. Animal Genetics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/age.12962

Walsh JR, Woodhouse MR, Andorf CM, Sen TZ. (2020) Tissue-specific gene expression and protein abundance patterns are associated with fractionation bias in maize. BMC Plant Biology. 03 January 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-2218-8.

Wilkey AP, Brown AV, Cannon SB & Cannon EKS. (2020) GCViT: a method for interactive, genome-wide visualization of resequencing and SNP array data. BMC Genomics volume 21, Article number: 822. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-07217-2


Coffman SM, Hufford MB, Andorf CM, Lubberstedt T.(2019) Haplotype structure in commercial maize breeding programs in relation to key founder lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 20 November 2019 doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03486-y.

Cho KT, Portwood J, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Lawrence-Dill CJ, Friedberg I, Andorf CM. (2019) MaizeDIG: Maize Database of Images and Genomes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019 Aug 28. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.01050

Braun BL, Schott DA, Portwood JL, Andorf CM, Sen TZ. (2019) PedigreeNet: A web-based pedigree viewer for biological databases. Bioinformatics. 2019 Mar 23. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz208.

Andorf CM, Beavis WD, Hufford M, Smith S, Suza WP, Wang K, Woodhouse MR, Yu J, Lübberstedt T (2019) Technological advances in maize breeding: past, present and future. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 23 February 2019. doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03306-3


Portwood JL II, Woodhouse MR, Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Walsh JR, Sen TZ, Cho KT, Schott DA, Braun BL, Dietze M, Dunfee B, Elsik CG, Manchanda N, Coe E, Sachs M, Stinard P, Tolbert J, Zimmerman S, Andorf CM.(2018) MaizeGDB 2018: the maize multi-genome genetics and genomics database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Nov 8. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1046

Springer NM, Anderson SN, Andorf CM, Ahern KR, Bai F, Barad O, Barbazuk WB, Bass HW, Baruch K, Ben-Zvi G, Buckler E, Bukowski R, Campbell MS, Cannon EKS, Chomet P, Dawe RK, Davenport R, Dooner HK, Du LH, Du C, Easterling KA, Gault CM, Guan JC, Hunter CT III, Jander G, Jiao YP, Koch KE, Kol G, Kollner TG, Kudo T, Li Q, Lu F, Mayfield-Jones D, Mei WB, McCarty DR, Noshay JM, Portwood JL, Ronen G, Settles AM, Shem-Tov D, Shi JH, Soifer I, Stein JC, Stitzer MC, Suzuki M, Vera DL, Vollbrecht E, Vrebalov JT, Ware DH, Wei S, Wimalanathan K, Woodhouse MHR, Xiong WW, Brutnell TP. (2018). The maize W22 genome provides a foundation for functional genomics and transposon biology. Nature Genetics. doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0158-0

Harper L, Campbell J, Cannon EK, Jung S, Main D, Poelchau M, Walls RL, Andorf CM, Arnaud E, Berardini, Birkett C, Cannon S, Carson J, Cooper L, Dunn N, Elsik C, Farmer A, Ficklin S, Grant D, Grau E, Hendon N, Hu Z, Humann J, Jaiswal P, Jonquet C, Laporte MA, Larmande P, Lazo G, McCarthy F, Menda N, Mungall C, Munoz-Torres M, Naithani S, Nelson R, Nesdill D, Park C, Reecy J, Reiser L, Sanderson LA, Sen TZ, Staton M, Subramaniam S, Karey Tello-Ruiz M, Unda V, Unni D, Wang L, Ware D, Wegrzyn J, Williams J, Woodhouse M. (2018) AgBioData Consortium Recommendations for Sustainable Genomics and Genetics Databases for Agriculture. Database. Volume 2018. doi: 10.1093/database/bay088

Wimalanathan K, Friedberg I, Andorf CM, Lawrence-Dill CJ. (2018) Maize GO Annotation-Methods, Evaluation, and Review (maize-GAMER). Plant Direct. Vol 2, Issue 4. e00052. doi: 10.1002/pld3.52

Schott DA, Vinnakota AG, Portwood JL, Andorf CM, Sen TZ. (2018) SNPversity: a web-based tool for visualizing diversity. Database. Volume 2018. doi: 10.1093/database/bay037

Siegel ZD, Zhou N, Zarecor S, Lee N, Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Nettleton D, Lawrence-Dill CJ, Ganapathysubramanian B, Friedberg I, Kelly JW. (2018) Crowdsourcing Image Analysis for Plant Phenomics to Generate Ground Truth Data for Machine Learning. PLOS Computational Biology. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006337

Alkhalifah N, Campbell DA, Falcon CM, Gardiner JM, Miller ND, Romay MC, Walls R, Walton R, Yeh CT, Bohn M, Bubert J, Buckler ES, Ciampitti I, Flint-Garcia S, Gore MA, Graham C, Hirsch C, Holland JB, Hooker D, Kaeppler S, Knoll J, Lauter N, Lee EC, Lorenz A, Lynch JP, Moose SP, Murray SC, Nelson R, Rocheford T, Rodriguez O, Schnable JC, Scully B, Smith M, Springer N, Thomison P, Tuinstra M, Wisser RJ, Xu W, Ertl D, Schnable PS, De Leon N, Spalding EP, Edwards J, Lawrence-Dill CJ. (2018) Maize Genomes to Fields: 2014 and 2015 field season genotype, phenotype, environment, and inbred ear image datasets. BMC Res Notes. 2018 Jul 9;11(1):452. doi: 10.1186/s13104-018-3508-1


Odell SG, Lazo G., Woodhouse, MR, Hane DL, Sen TZ (2017) The art of curation at a biological database: Principles and application. Current Plant Biology. doi: 10.1016/j.cpb.2017.11.001.

Sen TZ, Braun BL, Schott DA, Portwood J, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Cannon EK, Andorf CM. (2017) Surveying the Maize community for their diversity and pedigree visualization needs to prioritize tool development and curation. Database, Vol 2017, Issue 1. doi: 10.1093/database/bax031.


Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Andorf CM, Lawrence CJ. (2016) MaizeGDB: the maize genetics and genomics database. Plant Bioinformatics; Humana Press, New York, NY, Pages 187-202. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3167-5_9

Walsh JR, Schaeffer ML, Zhang P, Rhee SY, Dickerson JA, Sen TZ. (2016) The quality of metabolic pathway resources depends on initial enzymatic function assignments: a case for maize. BMC Systems Biology 10:129 doi: 10.1186/s12918-016-0369-x

Hoopen PT, Walls RL, Cannon EK, Cochrane G, Cole J, Johnston A, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Yilmaz P. (2016) Plant specimen contextual data consensus. Gigascience. 2016 Dec 1;5(1):1-4. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giw002.


Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Portwood JL, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Braun BL, Campbell DA, Vinnakota AG, Sribalusu VV, Huerta M, Cho KT, Wimalanathan K, Richter JD, Mauch ED, Rao BS, Birkett SM, Sen TZ, Lawrence-Dill CJ. (2015) MaizeGDB update: new tools, data and interface for the maize model organism database. Nucleic acids research; D1: 44, D1195-D1201. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1007

Oellrich A, Walls RL, Cannon EK, Cannon SB, Cooper L, Gardiner J, Gkoutos GV, Harper L, He M, Hoehndorf R, Jaiswal P, Kalberer SR, Lloyd JP, Meinke D, Menda N, Moore L, Nelson RT, Pujar A, Lawrence CJ, Huala E. (2015) An ontology approach to comparative phenomics in plants. Plant Methods. 2015 Feb 25;11:10. doi: 10.1186/s13007-015-0053-y.


Andorf CM, Kopylov M, Dobbs D, Koch KE, Stroupe ME, Lawrence CJ, Bass HW. (2014) G-quadruplex (G4) motifs in the maize (Zea mays L.) genome are enriched at specific locations in thousands of genes coupled to energy status, hypoxia, low sugar, and Nutrient Deprivation. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. Vol 41:12; pp 627-647. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2014.10.004

Law M, Childs KL, Campbell MS, Stein JC, Holt C, Panchy N, Lei J, Achawanantakun R, Jiao D, Andorf CM, Lawrence CJ, Ware D, Shiu S, Sun Y, Jiang N, Yandell M. (2014) Automated update, revision and quality control of the Zea mays genome annotations using MAKER-P improves the B73 RefGen_v3 gene models and identifies new genes. Plant physiology, Vol 167;1: pp 25-39. doi: 10.1104/pp.114.245027


Andorf CM, Honavar V, Sen TZ. (2013) Predicting the binding patterns of hub proteins: a study using yeast protein interaction networks. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56833. Epub 2013 Feb 19. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056833

Monaco MK, Sen TZ, Dharmawardhana PD, Ren L, Schaeffer M, Naithani S, Amarasinghe V, Thomason J, Harper L, Gardiner J, Cannon EKS, Lawrence CJ, Ware D, Jaiswal P (2013) Maize Metabolic Network Construction and Transcriptome Analysis. The plant genome. doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2012.09.0025

Ghaffari R, Cannon EK, Kanizay LB, Lawrence CJ, Dawe RK. (2013) Maize chromosomal knobs are located in gene-dense areas and suppress local recombination. Chromosoma. 2013 Mar;122(1-2):67-75. Epub 2012 Dec 9. doi: 10.1007/s00412-012-0391-8


Cannon EK, Birkett SM, Braun BL, Kodavali S, Jennewein DM, Yilmaz A, Antonescu V, Antonescu C, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Andorf DE, Lisch D, Koch KE, McCarty DR, Quackenbush J, Grotewold E, Lushbough CM, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) POPcorn: An Online Resource Providing Access to Distributed and Diverse Maize Project Data. Int J Plant Genomics. 2011;2011:923035. Epub 2011 Dec 27. doi: 10.1155/2011/923035

Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Cannon EK, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) MaizeGDB: curation and outreach go hand-in-hand. Database (Oxford). 2011 May 29;2011:bar022. Print 2011. doi: 10.1093/database/bar022

Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Thistle J, Gardiner JM, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Cannon EK, Braun BL, Birkett SM, Lawrence CJ, Sen TZ. (2011) The MaizeGDB Genome Browser tutorial: one example of database outreach to biologists via video. Database (Oxford). 2011 May 9;2011:bar016. Print 2011. PMID: 21565781 doi: 10.1093/database/bar016

Cannon EK, Cannon SB. (2011) Chromosome visualization tool: a whole genome viewer. Int J Plant Genomics. 2011;2011:373875. doi: 10.1155/2011/373875. Epub 2011 Dec 19. doi:


Andorf CM, Lawrence CJ, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Sen TZ (2010). The Locus Lookup tool at MaizeGDB: identification of genomic regions in maize by integrating sequence information with physical and genetic maps. Bioinformatics. 2010 Feb 1;26(3):434-6. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp556

Sen T Z, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM, Seigfried TE, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2010) Choosing a genome browser for a Model Organism Database: surveying the Maize community. Database Vol. 2010:baq007; doi: 10.1093/database/baq007


Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Sparks ME, Duvick J, Brendel VP, Cannon E, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2009) MaizeGDB becomes 'sequence-centric.' Database. 2009:Vol. 2009:bap020. doi: 10.1093/database/bap020


Lawrence CJ, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Seigfried TE, Campbell DA. (2008) MaizeGDB: The Maize Model Organism Database for Basic, Translational, and Applied Research. Int J Plant Genomics. 2008:496957. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkl1048


Lawrence CJ, Schaeffer ML, Seigfried TE, Campbell DA, and Harper LC. (2007) MaizeGDB's new data types, resources and activities. Nucleic Acids Research 35:D895-900. doi: 10.1104/pp.104.059196


Lawrence CJ, Seigfried TE, and Brendel V. (2005) The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database. The community resource for access to diverse maize data. Plant Physiology 138:55-58. doi: 10.1104/pp.104.059196


Lawrence CJ, Dong Q, Polacco ML, Seigfried TE, and Brendel, V. (2004) MaizeGDB, the community database for maize genetics and genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 32:D393-D397. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkh011

Refereed (conference, and workshop)


Andorf CM (speaker), et al.AI-Driven Protein Resources for Maize. Short Talk at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.

Andorf CM (speaker), et al. A unified variant dataset from 1,500 diverse maize accessions and resources to explore the genomic landscape of maize. Short Talk at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.


Banerjee S (speaker) et al. Constructing Zea mays genes from RNA-Seq expression data using FINDER - a fully automated gene annotator. Short Talk at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGC 2021) on Mar 09, 2021 (Virtual).


Woodhouse MR (speaker) et al. W674 MaizeGDB Interoperability for Multiple Genomes. Short Talk during the Interoperability and Federation Across Bioinformatic Platforms and Resources Workshop at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA on Jan 11, 2020.


Harper LC (speaker), Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Portwood JL, Schaeffer ML, Woodhouse MR, Andorf CM. (2019) Next generation data management. Short Talk at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.


Andorf CM (speaker), et al. MaizeGDB: How phenotype curation has co-evolved with genomic representations. Short Talk at The 5th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, IPPS2018 on October 4, 2018 in Adelaide, Australia.

Cho KT (speaker), Portwood J, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Lawrence CJ, Friedberg I, Andorf CM. MaizeDIG: A mechanism for connecting gene models to phenotypes at MaizeGDB. Short Talk at 26th Annual Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Chicago, IL in 2018.

Wimalanathan K (speaker), Friedberg I, Andorf CM, Lawrence-Dill C. Maize GO Annotation - Methods, Evaluation, and Review (maize-GAMER). Short Talk at 6th Annual Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Chicago, IL in 2018.

Wimalanathan K (speaker), Friedberg I, Andorf CM, Lawrence-Dill C. Maize - GO Annotation Methods Evaluation and Review (Maize-GAMER). Short Talk at 60th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2018), St. Malo, France.

Woodhouse M (speaker), Cannon EK, Andorf CM. The Importance of Getting Genome Assemblies into Genbank, and How to Do It. Short Talk during the Big Data: Manage Your Data Before Your Data Kills You Workshop at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2018.

Woodhouse M (speaker). How the Maize Genome Database Helps Guide Data Management Best Practices in the Maize Community. Short Talk during the Challenges and Opportunities in Plant Science Data Management - an International Workshop at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2018.

Elsick, C (speaker). MaizeMine: A Data Mining Warehouse for MaizeGDB. Short Talk during the Digital Tools and Resources Session at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2018.


Sen TZ (speaker), Braun BL, Schott DA, Portwood J, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Gardiner JM, Cannon EK, Andorf CM. (2017) Surveying the Maize community for their diversity and pedigree visualization needs to prioritize tool development and curation. Short Talk at the Biocuration 2017, Stanford, California, USA in 2017.


Andorf CM (speaker), Cannon EK, Portwood J, Vinnakota A, Sribalusu V, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Braun B, Campbell DA, Richter, J, Wimalanathan K, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ . (2015) The Reinvention of MaizeGDB. Short Talk at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2015.


Schaeffer M (Speaker), Sen TZ, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Cannon EK, Lawrence CJ. (2014) CornCyc at MaizeGDB: Curation and Use Cases. Short Talk at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2014.


Andorf CM (speaker), Cannon EK, Portwood J, Braun B, Birkett S, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Jayasingam, D, Campbell DA, Richter, J, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2013) MaizeGDB: everything old is new again! In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Short Talk, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Schaeffer M (Speaker), Sen TZ, Gardiner JM, Cannon EK, Birkett S, Walsh J, Harper LC, Dickerson J, Lawrence CJ. (2013) Pathways at MaizeGDB - Strategies for Curation and Data Sharing. Short Talk at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2013.


Andorf CM (speaker), Cannon EK, Portwood J, Braun B, Birkett S, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Jayasingam, D, Campbell DA, Richter, J, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2012) The New Maize Genome Database. In: 48th Annual Illinois Corn Breeders' School, Invited Talk, Champaign, Illinois, USA.

Schaeffer M (Speaker), Cannon EK, Dash S, Van Hemert J, Gardiner JM, Braun B, Campbell B, Preece J, Andorf CM, Birkett S, Harper LC, Sen TZ, Wise R, Dickerson J, Lawrence CJ. (2012) B73 Maize Gene Expression Atlas - a Plant Ontology Use Case. Short Talk at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2012.


Andorf CM (speaker), Cannon EK, Braun B, Birkett S, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Jayasingam, D, Campbell DA, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) Reinventing MaizeGDB. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Short Talk, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.


Lawrence CJ (speaker), Cannon E, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ (2010) Sequence resources at MaizeGDB with emphasis on POPcorn: a PrOject Portal for corn In: 52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Short Talk, Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy.

Andorf CM (speaker), Cannon E, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. "MaizeGDB: Tools and Resources" at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA in 2010.


Sen TZ (speaker), Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Lawrence CJ (2009) The MaizeGDB Genome Browser In: 51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Short Talk, St. Charles, Illinois.


Lawrence CJ (speaker), Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Campbell DA, Seigfried TE.Tutorial: MaizeGDB Made Easy. In: 49th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2007), Short Talk, St. Charles, Illinois.

Refereed (extended abstracts in conferences)


Andorf,C, et al. MaizeGDB: AI-driven resources for maize. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Andorf,C, et al. A unified VCF dataset from 1,500 diverse maize accessions and resources to explore the genomic landscape of maize. (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Gardiner, J, et al. MaizeMine: Tools for exploring genomic datasets from the maize research community. (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Haley, O, et al. The prediction of Zea mays (maize) and Fusarium graminearum host-pathogen protein-protein interactions using fine-tuned protein language models and diffusion. (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Hayford, R, et al. Identification and annotation of stress response transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in maize. (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Cannon, E, et al. Pan-gene and gene family data at MaizeGDB. (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.

Seetharam, A, et al. Chromosome-level assembly and comprehensive annotation of the W22 and PH207 maize inbreds (MGM 2024), Raleigh, NC.


Andorf,C, et al. MaizeGDB: Maize protein structure resources. (MGM 2023), St. Louis, MO.

Cannon, E, et al. Pan-genome data at MaizeGDB. (MGM 2023), St. Louis, MO.

Gardiner, J, et al. MaizeMine: New tools for Zea mays pangene data mining. (MGM 2023), St. Louis, MO.

Hayford, R, et al. Stress response functional annotation using RNA expression in maize. (MGM 2023), St. Louis, MO.

Sen, S, et al. Maize Feature Store (MFS): A centralized resource to manage and analyze curated maize multi-omics features for machine learning applications. (MGM 2023), St. Louis, MO.


Gardiner, J, et al. MaizeGDB’s MaizeMine: New genome and community data sets. (MGM 2022), St. Louis, MO.


Andorf CM, et al. Maize Genetics Committee on Outreach, Diversity, Inclusion, and Education (CODIE) 2020-2021 Update. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.

Banerjee S, et al. Constructing Zea mays genes from RNA-Seq expression data using FINDER - a fully automated gene annotator. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.

Cannon E, et al. The NAM genome assemblies and 2021 release of their official annotations at MaizeGDB. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.

Gardiner J, et al. MaizeMine facilitates meta-analysis of diverse data sets through genomic data integration. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.

Harper L, et al. History of the maize genome sequence assemblies. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.

Manchanda N, et al. Sequence, assembly and annotation of maize inbred B104. Poster Program at 63rd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2021), Virtual.


Gardiner, J et al. MaizeGDB's MaizeMine facilitates genomic data mining. Poster Program at 62nd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2020), Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Harper, L et al. MaizeGDB: A history of our maize genetics research community. Poster Program at 62nd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2020), Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Manchanda, N et al. Sequence, assembly and annotation of maize inbred B104: A maize transformation resource. Poster Program at 62nd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2020), Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Portwood, J et al. MaizeGDB: Hosting a plethora of maize genomes at MaizeGDB including B73 RefGen_v5 and the NAM founder genomes. Poster Program at 62nd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2020), Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Warburton, M et al. PAST: The Pathway Association Study Tool for interpreting GWAS results in light of metabolic pathway data. Poster Program at 62nd Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM 2020), Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Andorf, CM et al. PO0769 Hosting a Plethora of Maize Genomes at MaizeGDB. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2020), Poster Program, San Diego, California.

Gardiner, J et al. PE0770 Genomic Data Mining with MaizeMine. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2020), Poster Program, San Diego, California.


Harper LC, et al. (2019) Next generation data management. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Gardiner JM, et al. (2019) Using MaizeMine for genomic data integration and meta-analysis. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Portwood JL, et al. (2019) MaizeGDB 2019: the maize multi-genome genetics and genomics database. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Seetharam A, et al. (2019) A novel, evidence-weighted pipeline for improving maize gene structure annotations. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Coffman S, et al. (2019) Assessment and visualization of haplotype structure diversity among commercial maize ex-PVP lines in relation to key founders. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Manchanda N, et al. (2019) GenomeQC: An R/Shiny-based quality assessment tool for plant genome assemblies and gene annotations. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Tak Cho K, et al. (2019) Gene sequence classification using k-mer Naïve Bayes model in maize. Poster Program at 61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.


Cho KT, et al. MaizeDIG: A mechanism for connecting gene models to phenotypes at MaizeGDB. Poster Program at 26th Annual Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2018), Chicago, IL in 2018.

Manchanda N, et al. Sequence, Assembly and Annotation of B104, a Maize Transformation Resource. Poster Program at 26th Annual Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2018), Chicago, IL in 2018.

Wimalanathan K, et al. (2018) Maize GO Annotation - Methods, Evaluation, and Review (maize-GAMER). Poster Program at 26th Annual Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2018), Chicago, IL in 2018.

Cannon E, et. al. (2018). MaizeGDB: New Resources for Maize Researchers. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2018), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Portwood JL, et. al. (2018). MaizeGDB: Stewardship for Maize Genome Assemblies and Annotation. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2018), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Cannon EK, et al. (2018) MaizeGDB: stewardship for maize genome assemblies and annotation. (MGC 2018), Poster Program, Saint Malo, France.

Gardiner J, et al. (2018) MaizeMine: a data mining warehouse for MaizeGDB. (MGC 2018), Poster Program, Saint Malo, France.

Harper LC, et al. (2018) Making YOUR data and databases FAIR; Functional gene annotation and more! (MGC 2018), Poster Program, Saint Malo, France.

Portwood J, et al. (2018) MaizeGDB: new resources for maize researchers. (MGC 2018), Poster Program, Saint Malo, France.

Walsh J, et al. (2018) Functional divergence in maize subgenomes. (MGC 2018), Poster Program, Saint Malo, France.


Cannon E, et. al. (2017) The Gene Pages at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Nguyen HN, et. al. (2017) MaizeMine: A new data mining warehouse for MaizeGDB. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Schaeffer ML, et. al. (2017) Using MaizeGDB tools and interfaces to find Stocks. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Portwood JL, et. al. (2017) MaizeGDB: New resources for maize researchers.(MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Harper L, et. al. (2017) AgBioData: A consortium of agricultural-related databases. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

He M, et. al. (2017) G4 quadruplexes in and near regulatory elements of maize genes involved in tissue development and altered transcriptional response to abiotic stresses. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Manchanda N, et. al. (2017) Sequencing, assembly, and annotation of B104, a maize transformation resource. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Wimalanathan K, et. al. (2017) Maize - GO Annotation Methods Evaluation and Review (Maize-GAMER). (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Siegel Z, et. al. (2017) Crowdsourcing for Ground Truth: Using the Amazon Mechanical Turk to Collect Data for Image Analysis using Machine-Learning. (MGC 2017), Poster Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

Cannon EK, et al. (2017) The Gene Pages at MaizeGDB. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2017), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Manchanda N, et al. (2017) Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation of B104, a Maize Transformation Resource. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2017), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Portwood J, et al. (2017) MaizeGDB: New Resources for Maize Researchers. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2017), Poster Program , San Diego, California.


Schaeffer ML, et. al. (2016) New Trait Data at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Portwood JL, et. al. (2016) MaizeGDB: New Tools and Resource. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Harper L, et. al. (2016) MaizeGDB Video Tutorials, Feedback Booth and Introducing the AgBioData Working Group. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Sen TZ, et. al. (2016) Breeder Survey, Tools, and Resources to Visualize Diversity and Pedigree Relationships at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Cannon E, et. al. (2016) Stewardship of the Maize B73 Reference Genome Assembly. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

He M, et. al. (2016) Investigating diversity and possible functions of G-quadruplexes in regulatory regions of maize genes. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Wimalanathan K, et. al. (2016) Maize - GO Annotation Methods, Evaluation, and Review (Maize-GAMER). (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Andorf CM, et. al. (2016) Sequence, assembly and annotation of the maize W22 genome. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Manchanda N, et. al. (2016) Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation of Maize B104 : A Maize Transformation Resource. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

Saunders JW, et. al. (2016) Over 8,000 new maize mutants in Release #8 from Uniform Mu. (MGC 2016), Poster Program, Jacksonville, Florida.

He M, et al. (2016) Investigating Diversity and Possible Functions of G-Quadruplexes in Regulatory Regions of Maize. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2016), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Manchanda N, et al. (2016) Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation of Maize B104, a Maize Transformation Resource. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2016), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Portwood J, et al. (2016) MaizeGDB: New Tools and Resources. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2016), Poster Program , San Diego, California.

Wimalanathan K, et al. (2016) Maize - GO Annotation Methods Evaluation and Review (Maize-GAMER). In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (PAG 2016), Poster Program , San Diego, California.


Cannon E, et al. (2015) Stewardship of the Maize B73 Reference Genome Assembly. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Schaeffer ML, et al. (2015 )Diversity Panel Phenotype Data at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

He M, et al. (2015) Assessing the prevalence and diversity of G-quadruplexes in regulatory regions of maize genes. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Wimalanathan K, et al. (2015) Maize - GO Annotation Methods Evaluation and Review (Maize-GAMER). (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Portwood JL, et al. (2015) The Reinvention of MaizeGDB. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Richter JD, et al. (2015) Comprehensive Comparison of MaizeCyc and CornCyc Metabolic Pathway Resources. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Hunter C, et al. (2015) Over 9,000 new mutants added to UniformMu: 66,000 total Mu insertions with 40% genome coverage. (MGC 2015), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Andorf CM, et al. (2015) MaizeGDB -- The Reinvention of MaizeGDB. In: Plant & Animal Genomes XXIII Conference (PAG 2015), Computer Demonstration, San Diego, California.

Portwood J, et. al. (2015) MaizeGDB's New Interface. In: Plant & Animal Genomes XXIII Conference (PAG 2015), Poster Program , San Diego, California.


Andorf CM, et al. (2014) G-quadruplex motifs are found in genes regulated by hypoxia, low sugar, and nutrient deprivation in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.) (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Andorf CM, et al. (2014) Chinese Translation of MaizeGDB and the Maize Genetics Conference websites. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Wimalanathan W, et al. (2014) Functional annotation of B73 gene models: A machine learning approach. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Gardiner J, et al. (2014) Education and Outreach at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Campbell DA, et al. (2014) Evolution of the Maize Research Community. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Schaeffer M, et al. (2014) New avenues to contribute your data to MaizeGDB: gene functions, genome assembly problems, maize gene wiki. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.

Sen TZ, et al. (2014) Metabolic Pathway Tools and Resources at MaizeGDB. (MGC 2014), Poster Program, Beijing, China.


Wimalanathan K, et al. (2013) Functional annotation of B73 gene models: A machine learning approach. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Mauch E, et al. (2013) Compare Identity By State Relationships of the Ames Diversity Panel using TYPSimSelector. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Harper LC, et al. (2013) How to Access and Use the New MaizeGDB Website. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Portwood JL, et al. (2013) MaizeGDB has evolved! In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Gardiner JM, et al. (2013) Gene Expression Analysis Tools at MaizeGDB. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Richter JD, et al. (2013) MaizeGDB Genome Browser. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Walsh J, et al. (2013) CycTools: An Interface for Exploring and Updating BioCyc Databases. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Sen TZ, et al. (2013) Metabolic Pathway Resources at MaizeGDB. In: 55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.


Andorf CM, Rao BS, Andorf DE, Cannon EK, Braun BL, Birkett SM, Campbell DA, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2012) Alpha.MaizeGDB.org: MaizeGDB's interface redesign. In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA.

Campbell DA, Coe E, Sachs M, Andorf CM, Birkett SM, Braun BL, Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2012) How well do you know YOUR maize research community? In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA.

Harper LC, Andorf CM, Birkett SM, Braun BL, Campbell DA, Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2012) Learn How to Use MaizeGDB. In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA. Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM, Birkett SM, Braun BL, Campbell DA, Cannon EK, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2012) MaizeGDB - use cases that leverage new data and tools. In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA.

Wimalanathan K, Gardiner JM, Nahal H, Cannon EK, Patel R, Braun BL, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Birkett S M, Sen TZ, Provart N, Lawrence CJ. (2012) Gene Expression Resources Available from MaizeGDB. In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA.

Cannon EK, Andorf CM, Braun B L, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Yeh C, Schnable P, Lawrence CJ. (2012) Diversity Data at MaizeGDB. In: 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Poster Program, Portland Oregon, USA.


Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Braun B, Birkett S, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Jayasingam D, Campbell DA, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) Reinventing MaizeGDB. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Schaeffer ML, Gardiner JM, Campbell DA, Birkett S, Braun B, Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Harper LC, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) MaizeGDB Curation Activities -- Diverse Genomes, Gene Expression, Community GO Annotation. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Braun B, Birkett S, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) MaizeGDB virtualized infrastructure. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Braun B, Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Birkett S, Gardiner JM, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ, Sen TZ. (2011) The MaizeGDB Genome Browser: Tools and Resources. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Thistle J, Gardiner JM, Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Cannon EK, Braun B, Birkett S, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2011) The new MaizeGDB video tutorial page. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

Bodnar A, Andorf CM, Lawrence CJ. (2011) MaizeResearch.org: Outreach for the maize genetics community. In: 53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.


Andorf CM, Sen TZ, Cannon E, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Lawrence CJ. (2010) MaizeGDB: Tools And Resources In: Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference (PAG 2010), Computer Demonstration, San Diego, California.

Andorf CM, Sen TZ, Cannon E, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Lawrence CJ. (2010) MaizeGDB: Tools And Resources In: Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference (PAG 2010), Poster Program, San Diego, California.

Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Cannon E, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2010) How To Use The New Functionalities At MaizeGDB: Now Sequence-Centric! In: Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference (PAG 2010), Poster Program, San Diego, California.

Andorf CM, Sen TZ, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2010) MaizeGDB Tools and Resources In: 52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Poster Program, Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy.

Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Cannon E, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2010) MaizeGDB: The Data In: 52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Poster Program, Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy

Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Andorf CM, Cannon E, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2010) How to use the new sequence-based functionalities at MaizeGDB In: 52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Poster Program, Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy.

Duvik J, Liu J, Schlueter S, Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Wilkerson M, Lawrence CJ, Brendel V. (2010) Maize Community Annotation Project to Improve Gene Structures In: 52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Poster Program, Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy.


Andorf CM, Sen TZ, Harper LC, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2009) MaizeGDB: Web Interface and New Features In: 51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Harper LC Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Schaeffer ML, Campbell DA, Lawrence CJ. (2009) How to use MaizeGDB In: 51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Harper LC, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM, Sen TZ, Zimmerman SA, Sachs M, Lawrence CJ. (2009) New and Improved Phenotypes in MaizeGDB In: 51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Lawrence CJ. (2009) The MaizeGDB Genome Browser In: 51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Sen TZ, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Schaeffer ML, Harper LC, Lawrence CJ. (2009) The MaizeGDB Genome Browser. In: Plant & Animal Genomes XVII Conference (PAG 2009), Poster Program, San Diego, California.

Schaeffer ML, Andorf CM, Campbell DA, Harper LC, Sen TZ, Lawrence CJ. (2009) MaizeGDB -- New Data, Access And Community Curation. In: Plant & Animal Genomes XVII Conference (PAG 2009), Poster Program, San Diego, California.


Harper LC, et al. (2008) Ask for a MaizeGDB outreach visit to your institution! In: 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2008), Poster Program, Washington, DC, USA.

Schaeffer ML, et al. (2008) MaizeGDB as chromosome walking companion. In: 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2008), Poster Program, Washington, DC, USA.

Sen TZ, et al. (2008) MaizeGDB's new genome browser project. In: 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2008), Poster Program, Washington, DC, USA.


Campbell DC, et al. (2007). Submitting Your Data to MaizeGDB to Make it Publicly Available. In: 49th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2007), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Harper LC, et al. (2007). Three 'Works In Progress': MaizeGDB's Editorial Board, Map Description Pages, and a Project to Integrate Mutant Phenotypes with Existing Data. In: 49th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2007), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.

Schaeffer ML, et al. (2007) MaizeGDB Curation: New Data, Tools and an Invitation to All Cooperators. In: 49th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2007), Poster Program, St. Charles, Illinois.


Lawrence CJ, et al. (2006) Contribute your data to MaizeGDB! In: 48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Poster Program, Pacific Grove, California, USA.

Campbell DA, et al. (2006) MaizeGDB Standard Operating Procedures. In: 48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Poster Program, Pacific Grove, California, USA.

Lawrence CJ, et al. (2006) Predicting Chromosomal Locations of Genetically Mapped Loci in Maize Using the Morgan2McClintock Translator. In: 48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Poster Program, Pacific Grove, California, USA.

Lawrence CJ, et al. (2006) Potential Impact of the Ab10 Chromosome on Preservation of Maize Genetic Resources. In: 48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Poster Program, Pacific Grove, California, USA.

Schaeffer M, et al. (2006) QTL Data at MaizeGDB: Curation and "then some". In: 48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Poster Program, Pacific Grove, California, USA.


Campbell DA, et al. (2005) Technical Aspects of the MaizeGDB Project. In: 47th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2005), Poster Program, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.

Lawrence CJ, et al. (2005) MaizeGDB Community Curation Tools. In: 47th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2005), Poster Program, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.

Lawrence CJ, et al. (2005) Use PGROP to locate educational activities, programs, and resources about plant genomics. In: 47th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2005), Poster Program, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.

Seigfried T, et al. (2005) MaizeGDB In A Nutshell: A Tour Of The Maize Community Database. In: 47th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2005), Poster Program, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.


Baran S, et al. (2004) PGROP: the Plant Genome Research Outreach Portal. In: 46th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2004), Poster Program, Mexico City, Mexico.

Hiatt E, et al. (2004) MaizeGDB Curation and Undergraduate Training: Can They Be Symbiotic? In: 46th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2004), Poster Program, Mexico City, Mexico.

Seigfried T, et al. (2004) MaizeGDB: Four Usage Cases. In: 46th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2004), Poster Program, Mexico City, Mexico.


Seigfried T, et al. (2003) MaizeGDB: A Next Generation Maize Database. In: 45th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2003), Poster Program, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.

Abstract Coordination

66th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2024), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

65th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2023), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

64th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2022), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

63rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2021), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood ), Virtual.

62nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2020), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood), Virtual.

61st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2019), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood & Carson Andorf), St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

60th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2018), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood & Carson Andorf), Saint-Malo, France.

59th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2017), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood & Carson Andorf), St. Louis, Missouri, USA

58th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2016), Abstract Coordinator (John Portwood & Carson Andorf), Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

57th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2015), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

56th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2014), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), Beijing, China.

55th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2013), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2012), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), Portland, Oregon, USA.

53rd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2011), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

52nd Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2010), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), Riva del Garda(Trento), Italy.

51st Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2009), Abstract Coordinator (Carson Andorf & Mary Schaeffer), St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2008), Abstract Coordinator (Trent Siegfried & Mary Schaeffer), Washington, DC, USA.

49th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2007), Abstract Coordinator (Trent Siegfried & Mary Schaeffer), St. Charles, Illinois, USA.

48th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2006), Abstract Coordinator (Trent Siegfried & Mary Schaeffer), Pacific Grove, California, USA.

47th Annual Maize Genetics Conference (MGC 2005), Abstract Coordinator (Trent Siegfried & Mary Schaeffer), Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.