Top Emailers

These are the people I received the most email from in 2007 (started logging in April):

  1. Toni Schneider — 996
  2. Maya Desai — 802
  3. Mom — 357
  4. Raanan Bar-Cohen — 349
  5. Barry Abrahamson — 250
  6. Ryan Boren — 195
  7. Donncha O Caoimh — 145
  8. Matt Thomas — 118
  9. Tony Conrad — 105
  10. Mike Hirshland — 90

Thanks to all those who played! Better next year to those who didn’t win. 😉

36 thoughts on “Top Emailers

  1. @Matt: I’m shocked your mom doesn’t have a blog… hehe… something like

    Now RoutePress… I’d beta test that 🙂

  2. Mom doesn´t have a blog, but she “programmed” the boy who created WordPress, if that counts for something 😛

    I´ve sent you just one e-mail last year and didn´t recieve a reply … 🙁 yet.

  3. So this is an invitation to e-mail you lots? Be careful, I love to write… and there is little difference between hitting publish and send. 🙂

  4. Wow, that is a lot of emails! I can’t imagine sending out that many emails to a single person AND still finding the time to maintain a website, write content, do the promotion, etc.

    Meanwhile, my mom has pretty high computer literacy and also sends her fair share of emails. She still doesn’t have her own website, but I’m having lots of fun showing her my search query stats and giving her free SEO lessons.

  5. I can believe that Mom beat me, but I can’t believe that I didn’t crack the top ten! Please tell me that I was at least in the top 25??
    To be fair, I should tell you that i haven’t finished making my new year’s resolutions yet…

  6. There are tools that you can use to count… I have one right now that even tells me what time the email was sent so I could tell you that the number one person that I email is Ron Brown and that the majority of those are sent to me between 4am and 6am Pacific time. I know when Ron works!!!

  7. Spam is definitely not included in these numbers. I actually don’t run spam through my stats script because it would be too process intensive, I just dev/null it before it gets processed.

  8. You should say:

    These are the people I received the most NON SPAM email from in 2007 (started logging in April):

    Wouldn’t want to give away “follow” links to pork shoulder and sodium nitrite in a can.

  9. Matt, I just viewed the photos from your Dad’s birthday. The “Houston” caught my eye, as I’m a native Houstonian.

    Your parents are adorable!