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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Decreased river runoff on the Mongolian Plateau since around 2000


    Mongolian Plateau is one of the largest contingent arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Rivers on the plateau provide vital water for...

    Wenhua Qi, Xiaomei Hu, ... Shengli Tao in Landscape Ecology
    Article Open access 22 March 2024
  2. Modeling Long-Term Dynamics of River Flow in the Lena River Basin Based on a Distributed Conceptual Runoff Model


    A new version of a conceptual climate model of river runoff was used to calculate daily and monthly hydrographs for the Lena R. basin with...

    A. I. Krylova, N. A. Lapteva in Water Resources
    Article 10 July 2024
  3. River runoff causal discovery with deep reinforcement learning


    Causal discovery from river runoff data aids flood prevention and mitigation strategies, garnering attention in climate and earth science....

    Junzhong Ji, Ting Wang, ... Wei Tang in Applied Intelligence
    Article 01 February 2024
  4. What Controls the Runoff Generation in River Basins?

    Accurate streamflow estimation is essential in several water resources management applications. Therefore, hydrologists aim to develop a simple,...
    Prashant Istalkar, Basudev Biswal in Advances in River Corridor Research and Applications
    Conference paper 2024
  5. Glacier area change and its impact on runoff in the Manas River Basin, Northwest China from 2000 to 2020

    Understanding the distribution and dynamics of glaciers is of great significance to the management and allocation of regional water resources and...

    Tongxia Wang, Fulong Chen, ... Yanhao Huang in Journal of Arid Land
    Article 31 July 2024
  6. The Effect of Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Changes on River Runoff and Snow Water Equivalent in the Lena River Basin


    The hydrological models ECOMAG and HBV were used to calculate the characteristics of river flow and snow Water Equivalent in the Lena River...

    A. S. Kalugin, S. Yu. Lupakov in Water Resources
    Article 20 July 2023
  7. Runoff change in the Yellow River Basin of China from 1960 to 2020 and its driving factors

    Analysing runoff changes and how these are affected by climate change and human activities is deemed crucial to elucidate the ecological and...

    Baoliang Wang, Hongxiang Wang, ... Wenxian Guo in Journal of Arid Land
    Article 01 February 2024
  8. Responses of runoff to changes in climate and human activities in the Liuhe River Basin, China

    Since the 1950s, numerous soil and water conservation measures have been implemented to control severe soil erosion in the Liuhe River Basin (LRB),...

    Mingqian Li, He Wang, ... Baoming Chi in Journal of Arid Land
    Article Open access 27 August 2024
  9. Projected changes of runoff in the Upper Yellow River Basin under shared socioeconomic pathways

    Climate change has significantly impacted the1 water resources and conservation area of the Yellow River basin. The Upper Yellow River basin (UYR),...

    Ziyan Chen, Buda Su, ... Tong Jiang in Frontiers of Earth Science
    Article 22 August 2024
  10. Runoff Formation Settings: Multifaceted Research in Testbed Catchments in the Headwaters of the Ussuri River


    The results of long-term field studies on small catchments in the upper reaches of the Ussuri River (Primorskii krai, Pacific Russia) are...

    B. I. Gartsman, V. V. Shamov, ... L. V. Gonchukov in Doklady Earth Sciences
    Article 18 July 2023
  11. MIKE HYDRO River model’s performance in simulating rainfall-runoff for Upper Vaigai sub-basin, Southern India

    The impact of climate change on rainfall patterns and intensity necessitates an accurate estimation of runoff from rainfall to effectively manage...

    Kandaboopathi Keerthy, Sundararaj Chandran, ... Veluswamy Kumar in Arabian Journal of Geosciences
    Article 15 March 2024
  12. Quantitative analysis of the effects of climate change and human activities on the runoff in the Shiyang River Basin

    Linear regression, inverse distance weighting analyses, and Budyko’s hypothesis were applied to the Shiyang River Basin. The spatial and temporal...

    Duan Ran, Xin Huijuan, ... Liu Xiaoying in Environmental Earth Sciences
    Article 09 March 2024
  13. Impacts of land use and climate change on runoff in the Shaying River Basin based on SWAT model

    In the past decades, land use pattern and climate conditions of Shaying River Basin have changed significantly, which will inevitably have a...

    Jie Tao, Yang Cao, ... Yinxing He in Limnology
    Article 22 January 2024
  14. Runoff modeling with various unit-hydrograph approaches for Sarada river basin, India

    Hydrological studies of river basins are necessary for sustainable planning and management of drinking and irrigation water supplies. Continuous...

    Ganapathi Dandupati, Suryanarayana Chodavarapu, ... Ajay Ahirwar in Arabian Journal of Geosciences
    Article 11 April 2024
  15. Bayesian Estimates of Changes in Russian River Runoff in the 21st Century Based on the CMIP6 Ensemble Model Simulations


    Based on simulations with an ensemble of CMIP6 (Coupled Models Intercomparison Project, phase 6) climate models using Bayesian averaging, an...

    A. I. Medvedev, A. V. Eliseev, I. I. Mokhov in Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
    Article 01 April 2024
  16. Regional climate response to global warming in the source region of the Yellow River and its impact on runoff

    The source region of the Yellow River has experienced obvious climate and discharge changes in recent decades due to global warming, which largely...

    Yiran Zhang, Degang Zhou, Xiaofeng Guo in Science China Earth Sciences
    Article 26 January 2024
  17. Spatial Distribution of Precipitation and Its Contribution to the Formation of the Transboundary Zeravshan River Runoff (Tajikistan)


    The spatial distribution of atmospheric precipitation in the basin of the transboundary Zeravshan River and the contribution of precipitation...

    I. Sh. Normatov, D. S. Azimov, F. A. Sharofzoda in Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
    Article 01 August 2023
  18. Rainfall-runoff-inundation (RRI) model for Kalu River, Sri Lanka

    Climate change, urbanization, and many anthropogenic activities have intensified the floods in today’s world. However, poor attention was given to...

    Ruchiru D. Herath, Uttam Pawar, ... Upaka Rathnayake in Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
    Article 04 October 2023
  19. River Runoff in European Russia under Global Warming by 1.5 and 2 Degrees


    The ECOMAG hydrological model was used to evaluate runoff characteristics in the basins of the major rivers in European Russia: the Volga,...

    A. S. Kalugin in Water Resources
    Article 20 July 2023
  20. Study on hydrological response of runoff to land use change in the Jing River Basin, China

    Land use change greatly affects the runoff characteristics of the basin, which in turn affects the distribution of surface water and groundwater in...

    Tao Jin, Xiao Zhang, ... Tingting Wang in Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    Article 30 August 2023
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