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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Panel Data

    Panel data, also known as cross-sectional time series data, is a type of data that combines both cross-sectional and time series dimensions. In...
    Chapter 2024
  2. Dynamic Panel Data Models

    This chapter generalizes most of the topics from earlier in the book settings with panel data. We begin by introducing dynamic panel data models, and...
    John D. Levendis in Time Series Econometrics
    Chapter 2023
  3. Panel Data and Fixed Effects

    We are all familiar with the aphorism, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts,” and this principle aptly applies to panel data. In this...
    Vikram Dayal, Anand Murugesan in Demystifying Causal Inference
    Chapter 2023
  4. Static Panel Data Models

    We begin our section on panel data models by examining static models. We distinguish between fixed effects (FE) and random effects (RE) models, and...
    John D. Levendis in Time Series Econometrics
    Chapter 2023
  5. Panel Interval-Valued Data Nonlinear Regression Models and Applications

    Panel data models have become increasingly popular in economic research and data analysis. Considering the uncertainty and variability of panel data,...

    Ai-bing Ji, Qing-qing Li, Jin-jin Zhang in Computational Economics
    Article 06 December 2023
  6. How does broadband supply affect participation in panel surveys?: Using geospatial broadband data at the district level to analyze mode choice and panel attrition

    Good broadband supply is crucial for different aspects of participation behavior in web surveys. In this study, we combined geospatial broadband data...

    Maikel Schwerdtfeger, Ruben L. Bach in Quality & Quantity
    Article Open access 12 June 2024
  7. A Fluctuation Test for Structural Change Detection in Heterogeneous Panel Data Models

    Structural change in panel data is a widespread phenomena. This paper proposes a fluctuation test to detect a structural change at an unknown date in...

    Fuxiao Li, Yanting Xiao, Zhanshou Chen in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
    Article 08 April 2024
  8. Expectile and M-quantile regression for panel data

    Linear fixed effect models are a general way to fit panel or longitudinal data with a distinct intercept for each unit. Based on expectile and...

    Ian Meneghel Danilevicz, Valdério Anselmo Reisen, Pascal Bondon in Statistics and Computing
    Article 17 March 2024
  9. Tests for time-varying coefficient spatial autoregressive panel data model with fixed effects

    As an extension of the spatial autoregressive panel data model and the time-varying coefficient panel data model, the time-varying coefficient...

    Lingling Tian, Yunan Su, Chuanhua Wei in Statistical Papers
    Article 14 September 2024
  10. Outlier Detection in Simultaneous Equations with Panel Data

    An outlier in a set of data is an observation (or subset of observation) that appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of that set of data....
    Suci Ismadyaliana, Setiawan, Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo in Data Science and Emerging Technologies
    Conference paper 2024
  11. Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Panel Count Data with Multiple Modes of Recurrence

    Panel count data refers to the information collected in studies focusing on recurrent events, where subjects are observed only at specific time...

    Mathew P. M. Ashlin, P. G. Sankaran, E. P. Sreedevi in Annals of Data Science
    Article 19 March 2024
  12. Clusterwise multivariate regression of mixed-type panel data

    Multivariate panel data of mixed type are routinely collected in many different areas of application, often jointly with additional covariates which...

    Jan Vávra, Arnošt Komárek, ... Gertraud Malsiner-Walli in Statistics and Computing
    Article 22 November 2023
  13. Observed-data DIC for spatial panel data models

    In spatial panel data modeling, researchers often need to choose a spatial weights matrix from a pool of candidates, and decide between static and...

    Ye Yang, Osman Doğan, Süleyman Taşpınar in Empirical Economics
    Article 08 August 2022
  14. Regression analysis of clustered panel count data with additive mean models

    In biomedical studies, panel count data have been extensively investigated. Such data occur if study subjects are monitored or observed only at some...

    Weiwei Wang, Zhiyang Cui, ... Xiaobing Zhao in Statistical Papers
    Article 28 November 2023
  15. Agriculture-induced environmental Kuznets curve: evidence from panel data

    This study investigates the relationship between agricultural production and pollutant (CO 2 ) emissions for the two panels, consisting respectively of...

    Ivan D. Trofimov in SN Business & Economics
    Article 05 April 2024
  16. A flexible time-varying coefficient rate model for panel count data

    Panel count regression is often required in recurrent event studies, where the interest is to model the event rate. Existing rate models are unable...

    Dayu Sun, Yuanyuan Guo, ... Wanzhu Tu in Lifetime Data Analysis
    Article 28 May 2024
  17. Robust Two-Stage Estimation in General Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models

    This paper proposes a robust two-stage estimation procedure for a general spatial dynamic panel data model in light of the two-stage estimation...

    Hao Ding, Baisuo Jin, Yuehua Wu in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
    Article 12 December 2023
  18. Empirical likelihood inference for the panel count data with informative observation process

    Panel count data refer to interval-censored recurrent event data. Each study subject can only be observed at discrete time points, leading to...

    Faysal Satter, Yichuan Zhao, Ni Li in Statistical Papers
    Article 11 December 2023
  19. Primary Healthcare Efficiency Assessment Using Panel Data

    The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) within a health district of the Valencian Community...
    Silvia González-de-Julián, Isabel Barrachina-Martínez, David Vivas-Consuelo in Advances in the Theory and Applications of Performance Measurement and Management
    Conference paper 2024
  20. Django’s admin panel

    This video segment explains and demonstrates Django’s admin panel, a powerful built-in system for viewing and maintaining your data.
    Coen de Groot in Django Essentials, Part 1
    Video segment 2024
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