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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Floating Cranes

    On the basis of introducing the characteristics, application scope, development status at home and abroad, and model classification of the floating...
    Bing Yan, Hongliang Guo, ... Dong Chen in Handbook of Port Machinery
    Reference work entry 2024
  2. Floating-Point Systems

    This chapter introduces the concept of floating-point numbers and how to build systems that use floating-point representations to perform...
    Brock J. LaMeres in Quick Start Guide to VHDL
    Chapter 2024
  3. Floating-Point Systems

    This chapter introduces the concept of floating-point numbers and how to build systems that use floating-point representations to perform...
    Brock J. LaMeres in Quick Start Guide to Verilog
    Chapter 2024
  4. Floating-Point Systems

    This chapter introduces the concept of floating-point numbers and how to build systems that use floating-point representations to perform...
    Chapter 2024
  5. Floating-Point Systems

    This chapter introduces the concept of floating-point numbers and how to build systems that use floating-point representations to perform...
    Chapter 2024
  6. Floating-Point Operations

    In this chapter, the RISC-V floating-point extensions will be studied. The floating-point extensions provide useful instructions for working with...
    Chapter 2024
  7. A new approach for configuring modular floating cities: assessing modular floating platforms by means of analytic hierarchy process

    Floating cities have emerged as an efficient long-term solution over unsustainable practiced solutions to combat the rising seas problem;...

    Ahmed A. EL-Shihy in City, Territory and Architecture
    Article Open access 13 March 2024
  8. Floating Point Arithmetic

    On computers we work with two fundamental types of numbers: integers and floating point numbers. While the operations with integers are error-free...
    Chapter 2024
  9. Basic Floating-Point Operators

    This chapter shows how to build the operators for the basic operations (addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root) in...
    Florent de Dinechin, Martin Kumm in Application-Specific Arithmetic
    Chapter 2024
  10. From Floating Prototype to Floating Community: Designing Resilient Floating Communities by Using Participatory Approaches

    In the overpopulated deltas of the Philippines, people live in areas that see floods regularly. The floods are being caused by a combination of...
    Conference paper 2024
  11. Submerged Floating Tunnel Model Experiment under Wave-Current Field

    This book conducts research on the overall design of the submerged floating tunnel, structural safety standards, environmental load calculation...

    Hao Ding, Ke Li, Liang Cheng
    Book 2024
  12. Ulam Floating Functions

    We extend the notion of Ulam floating sets from convex bodies to Ulam floating functions. We use the Ulam floating functions to derive a new...

    Chunyan Liu, Elisabeth M. Werner, ... Ning Zhang in The Journal of Geometric Analysis
    Article 12 June 2023
  13. Floating-Point Exponential

    The exponential function is, after the basic arithmetic operators, one of the next most useful building blocks in scientific computing. This chapter...
    Florent de Dinechin, Martin Kumm in Application-Specific Arithmetic
    Chapter 2024
  14. A Hamiltonian Approach to Floating Barrier Option Pricing

    Hamiltonian approach in quantum mechanics provides a new thinking for barrier option pricing. For proportional floating barrier step options, the...

    Qi Chen, Hong-tao Wang, Chao Guo in Journal of Statistical Physics
    Article 05 December 2023
  15. Simultaneous ipsilateral floating hip and knee: the double floating extremity—a systematic review and proposal of a treatment algorithm


    To systematically review the currently available existing evidence related to the presentation and management of simultaneous floating hip and...

    Vincenzo Giordano, Kenji Fonseca Miura, ... Peter V. Giannoudis in European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery
    Article 09 May 2023
  16. Floating Inductance Simulator with EXCCTAs

    This paper introduces a floating inductance simulator with two extra X current conveyor transconductance amplifiers (EXCCTA) and three passive...
    Y. Shantikumar Singh, Ashish Ranjan, ... Benjamin A. Shimray in Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Conference paper 2024
  17. Floating/grounded charged controlled memristor emulator using DVCCTA

    In this work, a charge-based memristor emulator is designed using a single active current mode component Differential Voltage Current Conveyor...

    Nidhee Bhuwal, Manoj Kumar Majumder, Deepika Gupta in Journal of Computational Electronics
    Article 16 May 2024
  18. Floating macrophyte phyllosphere as a habitat for methanogens

    Methane generation has a significant impact on climate change. Aquatic plants have been widely studied for their role in methane emissions....

    Luhua Yang, Yifang Zhang, ... Shun Li in Environmental Chemistry Letters
    Article 26 September 2023
  19. Geo-engineering for Floating Wind Turbines

    Floating wind is a potential method of generating significant renewable electrical energy. Geotechnical engineering is an important part of the...
    Conference paper 2024
  20. Enabling Floating-Point Arithmetic in the Coq Proof Assistant

    Floating-point arithmetic is a well-known and extremely efficient way of performing approximate computations over the real numbers. Although it...

    Érik Martin-Dorel, Guillaume Melquiond, Pierre Roux in Journal of Automated Reasoning
    Article 16 September 2023
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