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Showing 1-20 of 54,654 results
  1. Truncated Poisson–Dirichlet approximation for Dirichlet process hierarchical models

    The Dirichlet process was introduced by Ferguson in 1973 to use with Bayesian nonparametric inference problems. A lot of work has been done based on...

    Junyi Zhang, Angelos Dassios in Statistics and Computing
    Article Open access 04 January 2023
  2. Applying Kumaraswamy distribution on stick-breaking process: a Dirichlet neural topic model approach

    In recent years, neural topic modeling has increasingly raised extensive attention due to its capacity on generating coherent topics and flexible...

    Jihong Ouyang, Teng Wang, ... Yiming Wang in Neural Computing and Applications
    Article 27 April 2024
  3. Multivariate Powered Dirichlet-Hawkes Process

    The publication time of a document carries a relevant information about its semantic content. The Dirichlet-Hawkes process has been proposed to...
    Gaël Poux-Médard, Julien Velcin, Sabine Loudcher in Advances in Information Retrieval
    Conference paper 2023
  4. Latent Dirichlet Allocation

    This chapter first introduces the Dirichlet distribution, then describes the latent Dirichlet distribution model, and finally presents the algorithms...
    Chapter 2024
  5. One Step Entropy Variation in Sequential Sampling of Species for the Poisson-Dirichlet Process

    We consider the sequential sampling of species, where observed samples are classified into the species they belong to. We are particularly interested...

    Servet Martínez, Javier Santibáñez in Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
    Article 20 March 2023
  6. Density-adaptive registration of pointclouds based on Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Models

    We propose an algorithm for rigid registration of pre- and intra-operative patient anatomy, represented as pointclouds, during minimally invasive...

    Tingting Jia, Zeike A. Taylor, Xiaojun Chen in Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
    Article 04 April 2023
  7. Powered Dirichlet Process - Controlling the “Rich-Get-Richer” Assumption in Bayesian Clustering

    The Dirichlet process is one of the most widely used priors in Bayesian clustering. This process allows for a nonparametric estimation of the number...
    Gaël Poux-Médard, Julien Velcin, Sabine Loudcher in Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track
    Conference paper 2023
  8. Powered Dirichlet–Hawkes process: challenging textual clustering using a flexible temporal prior

    The textual content of a document and its publication date are intertwined. For example, the publication of a news article on a topic is influenced...

    Gaël Poux-Médard, Julien Velcin, Sabine Loudcher in Knowledge and Information Systems
    Article 01 August 2022
  9. Dirichlet process and its developments: a survey

    The core of the nonparametric/semiparametric Bayesian analysis is to relax the particular parametric assumptions on the distributions of interest to...

    Yemao Xia, Yingan Liu, Jianwei Gou in Frontiers of Mathematics in China
    Article 01 February 2022
  10. Smoothed Dirichlet Distribution

    When the cells are ordinal in the multinomial distribution, i.e., when cells have a natural ordering, guaranteeing that the borrowing information...

    Lahiru Wickramasinghe, Alexandre Leblanc, Saman Muthukumarana in Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications
    Article Open access 11 September 2023
  11. Dirichlet-Survival Process: Scalable Inference of Topic-Dependent Diffusion Networks

    Information spread on networks can be efficiently modeled by considering three features: documents’ content, time of publication relative to other...
    Gaël Poux-Médard, Julien Velcin, Sabine Loudcher in Advances in Information Retrieval
    Conference paper 2023
  12. Dirichlet process mixture models to impute missing predictor data in counterfactual prediction models: an application to predict optimal type 2 diabetes therapy


    The handling of missing data is a challenge for inference and regression modelling. A particular challenge is dealing with missing...

    Pedro Cardoso, John M. Dennis, ... Trevelyan J. McKinley in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
    Article Open access 08 January 2024
  13. Shifted-Scaled Dirichlet-Based Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Models with Variational Inference Learning

    In this chapter, we propose a variational Bayes framework for learning hidden Markov models (HMMs). This approach has some advantages over other...
    Ali Baghdadi, Narges Manouchehri, ... Nizar Bouguila in Hidden Markov Models and Applications
    Chapter 2022
  14. Unsupervised nested Dirichlet finite mixture model for clustering

    The Dirichlet distribution is widely used in the context of mixture models. Despite its flexibility, it still suffers from some limitations, such as...

    Fares Alkhawaja, Nizar Bouguila in Applied Intelligence
    Article 07 August 2023
  15. Weak Dirichlet Processes

    An important generalization of the notion of Dirichlet process is the one of weak Dirichlet process that is characterized as the sum of a local...
    Francesco Russo, Pierre Vallois in Stochastic Calculus via Regularizations
    Chapter 2022
  16. Stochastic Dirichlet–Poisson Problem on Hilbert Spaces

    This paper is devoted to the study of the existence and the uniqueness of the solution of the Stochastic Dirichlet-Poisson problems on Hilbert...

    Sonia Chaari, Afef Ben Farah in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
    Article 14 November 2023
  17. Self-coloring-Driven Plume Source Localization Strategy for Multiple Robots Using Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model and Mutation Random Salp Swarm Algorithm

    Accidents of leaks and emissions of flammable, explosive, and toxic substances severely threaten people’s health and public safety. Traditional...

    Zhenyu Guo, Jie Yuan, ... Qiong Wu in Neural Processing Letters
    Article 01 July 2023
  18. A scaled dirichlet-based predictive model for occupancy estimation in smart buildings

    In this study, we introduce a predictive model leveraging the scaled Dirichlet mixture model (SDMM). This data-driven approach offers enhanced...

    Jiaxun Guo, Manar Amayri, ... Nizar Bouguila in Applied Intelligence
    Article 30 May 2024
  19. Space-filling designs with a Dirichlet distribution for mixture experiments

    Uniform designs are widely used for experiments with mixtures. The uniformity of the design points is usually evaluated with a discrepancy criterion....

    Astrid Jourdan in Statistical Papers
    Article 07 October 2023
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