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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Effectiveness of artificial intelligence integration in design-based learning on design thinking mindset, creative and reflective thinking skills: An experimental study

    Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into learning activities is an essential opportunity to develop students' varied thinking skills. On the...

    Mustafa Saritepeci, Hatice Yildiz Durak in Education and Information Technologies
    Article Open access 22 June 2024
  2. A conceptual model for educating design thinking dispositions

    Design thinking dispositions are essential for students to understand why design thinking knowledge should be applied to perform specific tasks....

    Nguyen Hoang Thuan, Pedro Antunes in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
    Article Open access 30 January 2024
  3. Immersive media and its influences on design thinking

    Design thinking and virtual reality continue to infiltrate the K-12 landscape, with incredible promise for fostering deeper engagement with content....

    Tyler Gaspich, Insook Han in Education and Information Technologies
    Article 09 March 2024
  4. A card-based design tool for supporting design thinking in elementary students

    Although educational robotics competitions have become a popular research field in STEAM education, there is a lack of studies concerning the design...

    Ioannis Arvanitakis, George Palaigeorgiou, Tharrenos Bratitsis in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
    Article 31 July 2024
  5. Flipped online teaching of histology and embryology with design thinking: design, practice and reflection


    Flexible hybrid teaching has become the new normal of basic medical education in the postepidemic era. Identifying ways to improve the...

    Yan Guo, Xiaomei Wang, ... Ting Chen in BMC Medical Education
    Article Open access 09 April 2024
  6. The influence of art programming courses on design thinking and computational thinking in college art and design students

    Computational thinking (CT) and design thinking (DT) are critical tools for students to improve their problem-solving abilities. CT is most commonly...

    Qiang Li, Ze-xue Liu, ... Tian Luo in Education and Information Technologies
    Article 08 February 2023
  7. Investigating the role of spatial thinking in children’s design ideation through an open-ended design-by-analogy challenge

    Spatial thinking is ubiquitous in design. Design education across all age groups encompasses a range of spatially challenging activities, such as...

    Caiwei Zhu, Remke Klapwijk, ... Marc J. de Vries in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
    Article Open access 27 January 2024
  8. Using design thinking for interdisciplinary curriculum design and teaching: a case study in higher education

    This study investigates the utilization of design thinking by a university instructor in the development and delivery of an interdisciplinary...

    Article Open access 24 February 2024
  9. Design Thinking Research Innovation – Insight – Then and Now

    Extensive research conducted at the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, and at the...

    Christoph Meinel, Larry Leifer in Understanding Innovation
    Book 2023
  10. Design thinking teams and team innovation performance

    Design thinking (DT) is hailed as a cornerstone of innovation. It is based on teamwork, yet we know little about how the DT team operates and...

    Article Open access 04 December 2023
  11. The roles of empathy and motivation in creativity in design thinking

    Creativity is an important skill in the 21st century, and design thinking has been proposed as a methodology for fostering creativity. Design...

    Xinyu Li, Juanjuan Chen, Hongjie Fu in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
    Article 01 February 2024
  12. Design Thinking

    This chapter introduces design thinking. Major differences between conventional design and design thinking are presented. Design thinking activities...
    Ramana M. Pidaparti in Design Engineering Journey
    Chapter 2023
  13. The effect of a STEM integrated curriculum on design thinking dispositions in middle school students

    STEM, the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects is a popular topic as schools grapple with how to best prepare...

    Article 13 April 2024
  14. Framework for measuring high school students’ design thinking competency in STE(A)M education

    This research presents a comprehensive framework for assessing design thinking competencies in the context of STE(A)M education, specifically within...

    Ta Thanh Trung, Do Hanh Ngan, ... Le Thi Thuy Quynh in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
    Article 11 July 2024
  15. Design Thinking

    Im Zentrum von Geschäftsideen stehen Problemlösungen. Wer also nach guten Geschäftsideen Ausschau halten möchte, der sollte vor allem nach Problemen...
    Jörg Freiling, Jan Harima in Entrepreneurship
    Chapter 2024
  16. Establishing psychological safety in online design-thinking education: a qualitative study

    Design thinking, an approach traditionally used to develop or improve products, services, or processes within design and engineering sectors, has...

    Jenny Moffett, Ruth Little, ... Harold Bok in Learning Environments Research
    Article Open access 20 June 2023
  17. Responsible Design Thinking for Sustainable Development: Critical Literature Review, New Conceptual Framework, and Research Agenda

    In the 1960s, influential thinkers defined design as a rational problem-solving approach to deal with the challenges of sustainable human...

    Brian Baldassarre, Giulia Calabretta, ... Erik Jan Hultink in Journal of Business Ethics
    Article Open access 05 February 2024
  18. Innovationskraft durch Design Thinking

    Im Gegensatz zur Veränderung durch Projektagilität ist Design Thinking ein Ansatz, der sich an den Bedürfnissen des Nutzers orientiert und...
    Kirstin Börchers in Agile Audits im Krankenhaus
    Chapter 2024
  19. Applying design thinking for business model innovation

    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in using design thinking for business model innovation. However, few studies have explored the...

    Article Open access 24 November 2022
  20. Beyond teaching computational thinking: Exploring kindergarten teachers’ computational thinking and computer science curriculum design considerations

    Many K-12 computer science (CS) education initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels have recently started to focus on engaging the young...

    Jiyoung Kim, Anne Leftwich, Daniel Castner in Education and Information Technologies
    Article 23 January 2024
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