Aims and scope
Human Physiology is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at promoting the integration of theory, methods, and research in human physiology. The journal publishes original studies on brain function and its disturbances, including neural mechanisms subserving perception, learning, memory, emotion, and language. Human Physiology provides a forum for many areas of physiology, such as respiration, circulation, the blood system, motor functions, and digestion, as well as sport and occupational physiology. All kinds of papers on environmental physiology, including adaptation to extreme (polar zone, desert) and new (space) external conditions, are encouraged. Each year, the journal has thematic issues. Human Physiology publishes English translations of all articles from Fiziologiya Cheloveka and selected articles from other source journals and original unsolicited articles in the English language. The source of each article is described at the article level on the title pages. The final decision about the publication in Human Physiology is made by its editorial board regardless of the source. The editorial and peer review policies are the same for all translated and original articles. The journal is interested in the global cooperation of scientists and has the aim of becoming an international publication. Researchers from around the globe are encouraged to submit their work in English.