Aims and scope
General Relativity and Gravitation is a journal devoted to all aspects of modern gravitational science, and published under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation.
It welcomes in particular original articles on the following topics of current research:
- Analytical general relativity, including its interface with geometrical analysis
- Numerical relativity
- Theoretical and observational cosmology
- Relativistic astrophysics
- Gravitational waves: data analysis, astrophysical sources and detector science
- Extensions of general relativity
- Supergravity
- Gravitational aspects of string theory and its extensions
- Quantum gravity: canonical approaches, in particular loop quantum gravity, and path integral approaches, in particular spin foams, Regge calculus and dynamical triangulations
- Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
- Non-commutative geometry and gravitation
- Experimental gravity, in particular tests of general relativity
The journal publishes articles on all theoretical and experimental aspects of modern general relativity and gravitation, as well as historical articles of special interest.
GRG and CQG Exact Solutions Policy:
In the field of classical relativity, the discovery of a new exact solution does not justify publication simply for its own sake. Justification for publishing a new solution would be provided by showing for example that it has an interesting physical application or unusual geometrical properties, or that it illustrates an important mathematical point. The onus is on the author to provide convincing evidence that the solution is in fact new.
The development of a new technique or formalism for finding solutions of the field equations does not represent a sufficient advance to justify publication, unless the method is applied successfully.
Article Types
- Research articles: presenting original research results
- Letters: summarizing new results of interest to researchers whose primary interest lies in nearby areas, but who would typically not be interested in complete derivations, details of numerical simulations, etc. (limited to 8 journal pages)
- Invited reviews: detailed status reports or short summarizing reviews
- Golden Oldies: republications of seminal papers, both, well-known or 'hidden treasures'
A few selected papers will be marked Editor's Choice: the primary criteria will be original, high-quality research that is of wide interest within the community.