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Food Science and Biotechnology is an international journal focusing on the physical, chemical, biological, and health aspects of food science and technology.

  • Published by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology.
  • Welcomes submissions on food chemistry and analysis, food hygiene and toxicology, food microbiology and biotechnology, and food engineering.
  • Offers high visibility for work, with over 361,613 article downloads in 2023.
  • Provide attractive turnaround times, averaging a month from submission to first decision.


  • Jee-Young Imm
Journal Impact Factor
2.4 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
3.2 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
18 days
496,204 (2024)

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Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Co-Publisher information
Co-publication with The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology.
Abstracted and indexed in
  2. BFI List
  3. Baidu
  4. CAB Abstracts
  6. CNKI
  8. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  9. Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences
  10. Dimensions
  11. EBSCO
  12. EI Compendex
  13. EMBiology
  14. Google Scholar
  15. IFIS Publishing
  16. INIS Atomindex
  17. INSPEC
  18. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  19. Korea Citation Index (KCI)
  20. Naver
  21. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  22. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  23. Portico
  24. ProQuest
  25. PubMedCentral
  26. SCImago
  27. SCOPUS
  28. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  29. Semantic Scholar
  30. TD Net Discovery Service
  31. UGC-CARE List (India)
  32. WTI AG
  33. Wanfang
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© The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology

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