Forest ecosystem carbon uptake is heavily affected by increasing drought in the Mediterranean region.
The objectives of this study were to assess the capacity of a modified 3-PG model to capture temporal variation in gross primary productivity (GPP), and ecosystem net carbon uptake (NEE) in two Mediterranean forest types.
The model was upgraded from a monthly (3-PG) to a daily time step (3-PGday), and a soil water balance routine was included to better represent soil water availability. The model was evaluated against seasonal GPP and NEE dynamics from eddy covariance measurements.
Simulated and measured soil water content values were congruent throughout the study period for both forest types. 3-PGday effectively described the following: GPP and NEE seasonal patterns; the transition of forest ecosystems from carbon sink to carbon source; however, the model overestimated diurnal ecosystem respiration values and failed to predict ecosystem respiration peaks.
The model served as a rather effective tool to represent seasonal variation in gross primary productivity, and ecosystem net carbon uptake under Mediterranean drought-prone conditions. However, its semi-empirical nature and the simplicity inherent in the original model formulation are obstacles preventing the model working well for short-term daily predictions.

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The research was supported by a grant from the MIUR-FISR CarboItaly Project and, in part, by the MIUR-PRIN project-N. 20085FL4E4_002. Angelo Nolè acknowledges a STMS COST-fellowship (FP0603) and thanks Anniki Makela (University of Helsinki) for useful discussion and advices. We thank two anonymous referees and the associate editor, Barry Gardiner, for their constructive comments on the manuscript.
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Handling Editor: Barry Alan Gardiner
Contribution of the co-authors A. Nolè: designing, assembling and running the model, coordinating the experimental work, writing the paper; A. Collalti: providing eddy flux data, contributing to data analysis; F. Magnani: contributing to model structure; A. Ferrara: contributing to data analysis; G. Mancino: contributing to data analysis; P. Duce, S. Marras, C. Sirca, D. Spano, providing eddy flux data; M. Borghetti, coordinating the research project, contributing to model structure, writing the paper.
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Nolè, A., Collalti, A., Magnani, F. et al. Assessing temporal variation of primary and ecosystem production in two Mediterranean forests using a modified 3-PG model. Annals of Forest Science 70, 729–741 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-013-0315-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-013-0315-7