Considering the weak rigidity of blisk blades and the limited accessibility of blisk tunnels, polishing blisk blades is difficult when using tools with poor flexibility and large dimension. Hence, to reduce the Surface roughness (SR) of a blisk blade, five-axis polishing method with Abrasive belt flap wheel (ABFW) is employed to polish the blisk blade based on the analysis of the blisk structure and advantages of ABFW polishing. Polishing experiments based on central composite design are performed using ABFW. Response surface method (RSM) is employed to establish a predictive model between SR and various parameters, including ABFW size, contact force, spindle speed, and feed rate. Analysis of variance is then performed to evaluate the proposed model. The degree of influence of each factor on SR after polishing using ABFW is determined by plotting main effects. The interactions of polishing factors on SR are analyzed by RSM. Optimal parameters are obtained by response surface optimization. Finally, an experiment on blisk blade polishing using ABFW on a five-axis polishing machine is carried out for confirmation. Results indicate that the surface quality of the blisk blade after polishing is significantly improved, with SR being less than 0.4 μm.
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Junfeng Zhang studied at the Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. His research fields include electromechanical engineering and automation and adaptive polishing technologies for complex surfaces.
Yaoyao Shi is a Professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. His research fields include electromechanical engineering and automation, high-efficiency NC machining, and adaptive polishing technologies for complex surfaces.
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Zhang, J., Shi, Y., Lin, X. et al. Parameter optimization of five-axis polishing using abrasive belt flap wheel for blisk blade. J Mech Sci Technol 31, 4805–4812 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-017-0928-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-017-0928-0