This paper presents a system called REAPP, a virtual environment aiming at supporting upper-limb robotic neurorehabilitation for post-stroke patients. In the last few years different systems using either or both virtual environments and robots have been developed. However, such advanced systems often lack attention on the physical and psychological conditions perceived by the patient, who should be the key focus in therapies. In this context, REAPP aims not to be just an entertaining interface but also a means to investigate patients’ feelings toward the therapy and to enhance their self-perception while performing the rehabilitation exercises. Before and after the rehabilitation session the patients are inquired about their emotional state, their physical condition and a self-evaluation of the performance is done. While performing the exercises patients look at a 2D/3D interface which has the aim of enhancing their self-awareness by showing them, through an avatar, the movements they are doing. Widgets and a virtual assistant provide additional feedback about the quality of the movements which is computed through a specifically developed arm model that can be customized on the residual capabilities of each patient.

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The presented work is carried out within RIPRENDO@Home Project, regional research project funded inside the Framework Agreement between Regione Lombardia and National Research Council, D.G.R. n. 3728 - 11/07/2012.
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Mottura, S., Fontana, L., Arlati, S. et al. A virtual reality system for strengthening awareness and participation in rehabilitation for post-stroke patients. J Multimodal User Interfaces 9, 341–351 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-015-0184-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-015-0184-5