To clarify age-related histological and Zn content changes in nonhyperplastic adult prostate glands, a quantitative morphometric and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyses were performed. The prostates were obtained from autopsies of 63 subjects aged 21–70 years who died mainly from trauma. It was found that histologically normal prostate tissue undergoes substantial changes throughout aging. These changes are reflected in an increase of the percent volume of the glandular lumen for the third to fifth decades, reaching a maximum for the decade 41–50 years. Over the same period, the percent volume of the stroma remains steady, but the percent volume of epithelium decreases, approximately, linearly with age. The percent volume of glandular lumen (reflects the volume of prostatic fluid) in the prostate gland of men aged 41 to 50 years is 1.5-fold higher than that in men aged 21 to 30 years, but the epithelium/lumen (prostatic fluid) ratio is approximately twofold lower. This suggests that accumulation of the prostatic fluid develops from 30 to 50 years of age. This accumulation of the prostatic fluid results in an increase of the Zn mass fraction in the prostate. In turn, when the intraprostatic Zn level exceeds a certain level by the end of the fifth decade, it begins to work as a trigger for different factors, all of which increase the proliferation of stromal cells. Deductions from these results allow possible partial explanations of both relevant prostatic aging mechanisms and the effects of dietary interventions using supplementary Zn.

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- BPH:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- CRM:
Certified reference material
Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescent analysis
- E:
Epithelial cells
- GC:
Glandular component
- L:
Glandular lumen
- S:
Stromal tissue
- Zn:
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The authors are grateful to the late Prof. A.A. Zhavoronkov, Institute of Human Morphology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, for supplying prostate specimens and for his help in the morphometric study. The authors are also grateful to Dr. Sinclair Wynchank for a very valuable and detailed discussion of the results of this work.
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Zaichick, V., Zaichick, S. Age-related histological and zinc content changes in adult nonhyperplastic prostate glands. AGE 36, 167–181 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11357-013-9561-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11357-013-9561-8