The aim of this paper is to provide a global overview of mobile robot control and navigation methodologies developed over the last decades. Mobile robots have been a substantial contributor to the welfare of modern society over the years, including the industrial, service, medical, and socialization sectors. The paper starts with a list of books on autonomous mobile robots and an overview of survey papers that cover a wide range of decision, control and navigation areas. The organization of the material follows the structure of the author’s recent book on mobile robot control. Thus, the following aspects of wheeled mobile robots are considered: kinematic modeling, dynamic modeling, conventional control, affine model-based control, invariant manifold-based control, model reference adaptive control, sliding-mode control, fuzzy and neural control, vision-based control, path and motion planning, localization and mapping, and control and software architectures.
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Authored Books
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Tzafestas, S.G. Mobile Robot Control and Navigation: A Global Overview. J Intell Robot Syst 91, 35–58 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-018-0805-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-018-0805-9
- Mobile robot
- Autonomous mobile robot
- Control
- Path planning
- Motion planning
- Navigation
- Localization
- Mapping
- Control architecture
- Software architecture