The influences of stimulation frequency and temperature on mechanisms of nerve conduction block induced by high-frequency biphasic electrical current were investigated using a lumped circuit model of the myelinated axon based on Schwarz and Eikhof (SE) equations. The simulation analysis showed that a temperature–frequency relationship was determined by the axonal membrane dynamics (i.e. how fast the ion channels can open or close.). At a certain temperature, the axonal conduction block always occurred when the period of biphasic stimulation was smaller than the action potential duration (APD). When the temperature decreased from 37 to 15°C, the membrane dynamics slowed down resulting in an APD increase from 0.4 to 2.4 ms accompanied by a decrease in the minimal blocking frequency from 4 to 0.5 kHz. The simulation results also indicated that as the stimulation frequency increased the mechanism of conduction block changed from a cathodal/anodal block to a block dependent upon continuous activation of potassium channels. Understanding the interaction between the minimal blocking frequency and temperature could promote a better understanding of the mechanisms of high frequency induced axonal conduction block and the clinical application of this method for blocking nerve conduction.

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This work is supported by the NIH under grants 1R01-DK-068566-01 and 1R01-NS-051671-01A1.
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The ionic current I i,,n at nth node is described as:
where P Na (0.00328 cm/s) and P K (0.000134 cm/s) are the ionic permeabilities for sodium and potassium currents, respectively; g L (86 kΩ−1 cm−2) is the maximum conductance for leakage current. VL (0 mV) is the reduced equilibrium membrane potential for leakage ions, in which the resting membrane potential V rest (−78 mV) has been subtracted. [Na] i (8.71 mmol/l) and [Na] o (154 mmol/l) are sodium concentrations inside and outside the axon membrane. [K] i (155 mmol/l) and [K] o (5.9 mmol/l) are potassium concentrations inside and outside the axon membrane. F (96,485 C/mole) is Faraday constant. R (8,314.4 mJ K−1 mol−1) is gas constant. m, h and n are dimensionless variables, whose values always change between 0 and 1. m and h represent activation and inactivation of sodium channels, whereas n represents activation of potassium channels.
The evolution equations for m, h and n are the following:
where T is the temperature used in the simulation study (in °K). The initial values for m, h and n (when V n = 0 mV) are 0.0077, 0.76 and 0.0267, respectively.
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Wang, J., Shen, B., Roppolo, J.R. et al. Influence of frequency and temperature on the mechanisms of nerve conduction block induced by high-frequency biphasic electrical current. J Comput Neurosci 24, 195–206 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10827-007-0050-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10827-007-0050-x