Visual odometry can be augmented by depth information such as provided by RGB-D cameras, or from lidars associated with cameras. However, such depth information can be limited by the sensors, leaving large areas in the visual images where depth is unavailable. Here, we propose a method to utilize the depth, even if sparsely available, in recovery of camera motion. In addition, the method utilizes depth by structure from motion using the previously estimated motion, and salient visual features for which depth is unavailable. Therefore, the method is able to extend RGB-D visual odometry to large scale, open environments where depth often cannot be sufficiently acquired. The core of our method is a bundle adjustment step that refines the motion estimates in parallel by processing a sequence of images, in a batch optimization. We have evaluated our method in three sensor setups, one using an RGB-D camera, and two using combinations of a camera and a 3D lidar. Our method is rated #4 on the KITTI odometry benchmark irrespective of sensing modality—compared to stereo visual odometry methods which retrieve depth by triangulation. The resulting average position error is 1.14 % of the distance traveled.

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The paper is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1328930. Special thanks are given to S. Scherer, M. Bergerman, D. Huber, S. Nuske, Z. Fang, and D. Maturana for their insightful inputs.
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All authors are affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University. Author Michael Kaess was affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology within the last three years. Michael Kaess also serves as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Author Sanjiv Singh is the editor in chief of Journal of Field Robotics.
This study is funded by National Science Foundation (Grant No. IIS-1328930).
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Zhang, J., Kaess, M. & Singh, S. A real-time method for depth enhanced visual odometry. Auton Robot 41, 31–43 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10514-015-9525-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10514-015-9525-1