Data collected by monitoring suggest that the movement of mudslides essentially develops through alternating stages of undrained–drained deformation. Undrained conditions are established as a consequence of landslide mobilisation or reactivation. Every acceleration phase is followed by progressive deceleration associated with dissipation of excess pore pressure. This paper reports the results of some simple numerical analyses performed to investigate the role of pore pressure on mudslide behaviour.

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The paper is the final product of a long-lasting research initiated under the direction of Prof. Arturo Pellegrino with funding from the National Research Council (CNR-GNDCI) and continued with contribution from the MIUR: projects “PETIT-OSA” and “Franosità in Campania e introduzione di tecnologie avanzate per la stabilizzazione dei pendii”.
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Comegna, L., Picarelli, L. & Urciuoli, G. The mechanics of mudslides as a cyclic undrained–drained process. Landslides 4, 217–232 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-007-0083-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-007-0083-2