Chromosome doubling was induced in vitro in a diploid hybrid of Rosa rugosa Thunb. using oryzalin as the spindle inhibitor. Nodal sections, 2 mm long, were exposed to 2.5 or 5 μM oryzalin and 10 mm nodal sections were exposed to 5 μM oryzalin for 0 (controls), 6, 12, 24 and 48 h. The ploidy of the emergent shoots was determined by flow cytometry. The frequency of tetraploid and mixoploid leaves that developed from 2 mm nodal sections exposed to 5 μM oryzalin peaked at 12 h exposure, when 35% of the leaves were tetraploid, but fell after longer exposures. Fewer tetraploid and mixoploid leaves were found when 2 mm nodes were exposed to 2.5 μM oryzalin for 6 and 12 h, indicating that it took longer for a spindle inhibiting concentration of oryzalin to build up in the meristem. However, the frequencies of tetraploid and mixoploid leaves continued to rise after 12 h and were highest at 48 h, when 44% were tetraploid. In treatments with 5 μM oryzalin, the frequencies of tetraploid and mixoploid leaves were lower, at equivalent exposure times, in 10 mm nodes than 2 mm nodes. This suggests that oryzalin diffused to the meristem mainly via the cut surfaces and that access via the epidermis and cuticle was impeded.

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The authors thank David Austin Roses Ltd. for support throughout this investigation and Carl Bennett and Colin Curtiss for their help.
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Allum, J.F., Bringloe, D.H. & Roberts, A.V. Chromosome doubling in a Rosa rugosa Thunb. hybrid by exposure of in vitro nodes to oryzalin: the effects of node length, oryzalin concentration and exposure time. Plant Cell Rep 26, 1977–1984 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-007-0411-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-007-0411-y