The methods for discrete-integer-continuous variable nonlinear optimization are reviewed. They are classified into the following six categories: branch and bound, simulated annealing, sequential linearization, penalty functions, Lagrangian relaxation, and other methods. Basic ideas of each method are described and details of some of the algorithms are given. They are transcribed into a step-by-step format for easy implementation into a computer. Under “other methods”, rounding-off, heuristic, cutting-plane, pure discrete, and genetic algorithms are described. For nonlinear problems, none of the methods are guaranteed to produce the global minimizer; however, “good practical” solutions can be obtained.
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- BBM:
branch and bound method
- D:
set of discrete values for all the discrete variables
- D i :
set of discrete values for thei-th variable
- d ij :
j-th discrete value for thei-th variable
- f :
cost function to be minimized
- f * :
upper bound for the cost function
- g i :
i-th constraint function
- IP:
integer programming
- ILP:
integer linear programming
- L:
- LP:
linear programming
- m :
total number of constraints
mixed-discrete linear programming
mixed-discrete nonlinear programming
- n d :
number of discrete variables
- NLP:
nonlinear programming
- p :
number of equality constraints; acceptance probability used in simulated annealing
- q i :
number of discrete values for thei-th variable
- SLP:
sequential linear programming
- SQP:
sequential quadratic programming
- x:
design variable vector of dimension n
- x iL :
smallest allowed value for thei-th variable
- x iU :
largest allowed value for thei-th variable
- ∇:
the gradient operator
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Arora, J.S., Huang, M.W. & Hsieh, C.C. Methods for optimization of nonlinear problems with discrete variables: A review. Structural Optimization 8, 69–85 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01743302
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01743302