The kinetics ofBordetella pertussis growth was studied in a glutamate-limited continuous culture. Growth kinetics corresponded to Monod's model. The saturation constant and maximum specific growth rate were estimated as well as the energetic parameters, theoretical yield of cells and maintenance coefficient. Release of pertussis toxin (PT) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were growth-associated. In addition, they showed a linear relationship between them. Growth rate affected neither outer membrane proteins nor the cell-bound LPS pattern.
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- X:
cell concentration (g L−1)
- μ:
specific growth rate (h−1)
- μm :
maximum specific growth rate (h−1)
- D:
dilution rate (h−1)
- S:
concentration of growth rate-limiting nutrient (glutamate) (mmol L−1 or g L−1)
- Ks:
substrate saturation constant (μmol L−1)
- ms :
maintenance coefficient (g g−1 h−1)
- Y′x/s :
theoretical yield of cells from glutamate (g g−1)
- Yx/s :
yield of cells from glutamate (g g−1)
- YPT/s :
yield of soluble PT from glutamate (mg g−1)
- YKDO/s :
yield of cell-free KDO from glutamate (μg g−1)
- YPT/x :
specific yield of soluble PT (mg g−1)
- YKDO/x :
specific yield of cell-free KDO (μg g−1)
- qPT :
specific soluble PT production rate (mg g−1 h−1)
- qKDO :
specific cell-free KDO production rate (μg g−1 h−1)
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Rodriguez, M.E., Hozbor, D.F., Samo, A.L. et al. Effect of dilution rate on the release of pertussis toxin and lipopolysaccharide ofBordetella pertussis . Journal of Industrial Microbiology 13, 273–278 (1994).
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