In an attempt to resolve the question as to whether children with autistic traits have an organic nervous system lesion, auditory nerve and brainstem evoked responses were recorded in a group of 15 children with autistic traits. The most obvious results included a longer response latency of the auditory nerve and a longer brainstem transmission time, compared to normal children. Five of the autistic children were found to be profoundly deaf. These results strengthen the theory that an organic lesion of the nervous system can give rise to autistic traits.
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We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of the following institutions and individuals: Professors Russel and Szabo, Department of Pediatrics, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem; Dr. Perlmutter, Child Mental Health Center, Jerusalem; Dr. Shereshevsky, Child Development Center, Beit Abrahams, Tel Aviv.
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Student, M., Sohmer, H. Evidence from auditory nerve and brainstem evoked responses for an organic brain lesion in children with autistic traits. J Autism Dev Disord 8, 13–20 (1978). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01550274
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01550274