This is description of TPS, a theorem-proving system for classical type theory (Church's typed λ-calculus). TPS has been designed to be a general research tool for manipulating wffs of first- and higher-order logic, and searching for proofs of such wffs interactively or automatically, or in a combination of these modes. An important feature of TPS is the ability to translate between expansion proofs and natural deduction proofs. Examples of theorems that TPS can prove completely automatically are given to illustrate certain aspects of TPS's behavior and problems of theorem proving in higher-order logic.
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Andrews, P.B., Bishop, M., Issar, S. et al. TPS: A theorem-proving system for classical type theory. Journal of Automated Reasoning 16, 321–353 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00252180
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00252180