- Authors:
Franco P. Preparata
Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, USA
Michael Ian Shamos
Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
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About this book
From the reviews: "This book offers a coherent treatment, at the graduate textbook level, of the field that has come to be known in the last decade or so as computational geometry. ... ... The book is well organized and lucidly written; a timely contribution by two founders of the field. It clearly demonstrates that computational geometry in the plane is now a fairly well-understood branch of computer science and mathematics. It also points the way to the solution of the more challenging problems in dimensions higher than two." #Mathematical Reviews#1 "... This remarkable book is a comprehensive and systematic study on research results obtained especially in the last ten years. The very clear presentation concentrates on basic ideas, fundamental combinatorial structures, and crucial algorithmic techniques. The plenty of results is clever organized following these guidelines and within the framework of some detailed case studies. A large number of figures and examples also aid the understanding of the material. Therefore, it can be highly recommended as an early graduate text but it should prove also to be essential to researchers and professionals in applied fields of computer-aided design, computer graphics, and robotics." #Biometrical Journal#2
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Table of contents (8 chapters)
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 1-35
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 36-94
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 95-149
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 150-184
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 185-225
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 226-265
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 266-322
- Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pages 323-373
Back Matter
Pages 374-400
Authors and Affiliations
Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, USA
Franco P. Preparata
Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Michael Ian Shamos