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Applications of Evolutionary Computing

EvoWorkshops 2008: EvoCOMNET, EvoFIN, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoNUM, EvoSTOC, and EvoTransLog

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2008


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 4974)

Part of the book sub series: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues (LNTCS)

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Conference proceedings info: EvoWorkshops 2008.

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About this book

Evolutionary computation (EC) techniques are e?cient, nature-inspired pl- ning and optimization methods based on the principles of natural evolution and genetics. Due to their e?ciency and simple underlying principles, these me- ods can be used in the context of problem solving, optimization, and machine learning. A large and continuously increasing number of researchers and prof- sionals make use of EC techniques in various application domains. This volume presents a careful selection of relevant EC examples combined with a thorough examination of the techniques used in EC. The papers in the volume illustrate the current state of the art in the application of EC and should help and - spire researchers and professionals to develop e?cient EC methods for design and problem solving. All papers in this book were presented during EvoWorkshops 2008, which consisted of a range of workshops on application-oriented aspects of EC. Since 1998, EvoWorkshops has provided a unique opportunity for EC researchers to meet and discuss applicationaspectsofECandhasservedasanimportantlink between EC research and its application in a variety of domains. During these ten years new workshops have arisen, some have disappeared, while others have matured to become conferences of their own, such as EuroGP in 2000, EvoCOP in 2004, and EvoBIO last year.

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Table of contents (75 papers)

  1. EvoCOMNET Contributions

  2. EvoFIN Contributions

  3. EvoHOT Contributions

Other volumes

  1. Applications of Evolutionary Computing

Bibliographic Information

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