- Editors:
Norman Foo
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
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About this book
The 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'QQ) held in Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December 1999, is the latest in a series of annual re gional meetings at which advances in artificial intelligence are reported. This series now attracts many international papers, and indeed the constitution of the program committee reflects this geographical diversity. Besides the usual tutorials and workshops, this year the conference included a companion sympo sium at which papers on industrial appUcations were presented. The symposium papers have been published in a separate volume edited by Eric Tsui. Ar99 is organized by the University of New South Wales, and sponsored by the Aus tralian Computer Society, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Computer Sciences Corporation, the KRRU group at Griffith University, the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, and Neuron- Works Ltd. Ar99 received over 120 conference paper submissions, of which about o- third were from outside Australia. Prom these, 39 were accepted for regular presentation, and a further 15 for poster display. These proceedings contain the full regular papers and extended summaries of the poster papers. All papers were refereed, mostly by two or three reviewers selected by members of the program committee, and a list of these reviewers appears later. The technical program comprised two days of workshops and tutorials, fol lowed by three days of conference and symposium plenary and paper sessions.
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Table of contents (55 papers)
Machine Learning I
- Geoffrey Holmes, Mark Hall, Eibe Frank
Pages 1-12
- Mihai Lazarescu, Svetha Venkatesh, Geoff West
Pages 13-23
- Graham E. Farr, David R. Powell
Pages 24-35
Neural Nets
- Monzurur Rahman, Xinghuo Yu, Bala Srinivasan
Pages 36-47
- Zhihua Zhou, Shifu Chen, Zhaoqian Chen
Pages 48-59
- Raouf Veliev, Alex Rubinov, Andrew Stranieri
Pages 60-71
Knowledge Representation I
- Jeong-Oog Lee, Doo-Kwon Baik
Pages 72-83
Natural Language
- Margaret Wasko, Robert Dale
Pages 109-121
- Shigeki Matsubara, Katsuhiko Toyama, Yasuyoshi Inagaki
Pages 134-143
Belief Revision
- Wei Liu, Mary-Anne Williams
Pages 168-179
Adaptive Algorithms
- Mengjie Zhang, Victor Ciesielski
Pages 180-192
- Andreas Albrecht, Kathleen Steinhöfel
Pages 193-204
- Stéphane Calderoni, Pierre Marcenac
Pages 205-217
Editors and Affiliations
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Norman Foo