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Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I

8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Xiamen, China, May 26-28, 2004. Revised Selected Papers

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2005


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 3168)

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Conference proceedings info: CSCWD 2004.

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About this book

The design of complex artifacts and systems requires the cooperation of multidisciplinary design teams using multiple commercial and non-commercial engineering tools such as CAD tools, modeling, simulation and optimization software, engineering databases, and knowledge-based systems. Individuals or individual groups of multidisciplinary design teams usually work in parallel and separately with various engineering tools, which are located on different sites, often for quite a long time. At any moment, individual members may be working on different versions of a design or viewing the design from various perspectives, at different levels of detail. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary to have effective and efficient collaborative design environments. These environments should not only automate individual tasks, in the manner of traditional computer-aided engineering tools, but also enable individual members to share information, collaborate and coordinate their activities within the context of a design project. CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work) in design is concerned with the development of such environments.

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Table of contents (45 papers)

  1. CSCW Techniques and Methods

  2. Agents and Multi-agent Systems

  3. Ontology and Knowledge Management

Other volumes

  1. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I

Editors and Affiliations

  • Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute, National Research Council of Canada, London, Canada

    Weiming Shen

  • Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    Zongkai Lin

  • CNRS, Heudiasyc, Centre de Recherches de Royallieu, University of Compiègne, Compiègne, France

    Jean-Paul A. Barthès

  • College of Information Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

    Tangqiu Li

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