Fig. 15
From: Recent advances in carbon capture storage and utilisation technologies: a review

Geometries of a Zr core and b biphenyl-4, 40-dicarboxylate (BPDC), c 2, 20-bipyridine-5, 50-dicarboxylate (BPYDC), d 2, 20-bithiophene-5, 50-dicarboxylic (BTDC), e 2, 20-bifuran-5, 50-dicarboxylic (BFDC)ligands. Crystal structure of f UiO-67 (the UiO-67 composites of a cubic framework of cationic \(\hbox {Zr}_6\hbox {O}_4(\hbox {OH})_4\) nodes and biphenyl-4,4’-dicarboxylate (BPDC), g UiO(BPYDC), h Zr-BTDC and i Zr-BFDC. (Zr: cyan; C: grey; O: red; N: blue; S: yellow; H: white). Adapted with permission from Hu et al. (2018), Copyright 2020, Elsevier